Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: island boy on October 02, 2006, 08:20:11 PM

Title: high times
Post by: island boy on October 02, 2006, 08:20:11 PM
just wondering what you guys think about people smoking green on the river.does it bother you?don't care?
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Ribwart on October 02, 2006, 09:00:59 PM
I used to smoke it years ago in my late teens and early twenties....I also smoked cigs full time then and now that I don't smoke the cigs anymore, and haven't touched the "evil herb"  ;D  in a while, I think it just stinks!!!!!!!!! Having said that, I could care less if people smoke it on the river, unless it's one after another...usually one or two in the viscinity won't bother me, and I can move on if I really think it's that big a deal....
my 2 cnts,
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Hook Set on October 02, 2006, 09:05:10 PM
Its bugs me a bit but we live in B.C the weed capital of the world so it doesnt matter what I think :-\
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Fish Assassin on October 02, 2006, 09:09:18 PM
It stinks, rank up there with stale cigars.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: James on October 02, 2006, 09:11:25 PM
It doesn't bother me at all .

But I do feel that people who smoke cigs , or weed , should do so with the thought of others . Someone near you may have an allergy or lung problem that might be affected by the smoke .

It doesn't take much to walk 10 feet down wind and light up .
Title: Re: high times
Post by: troutbreath on October 02, 2006, 09:16:14 PM
I don't like guys with ton's of aftershave on etc. Smoking and prancing along down the river. :-*
Title: Re: high times
Post by: island boy on October 02, 2006, 09:34:31 PM
thanks guys.i'll go for a wander before lighting up.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Murkeywaters on October 02, 2006, 09:41:28 PM
It wouldn't bother me, live and let live.

However if I were out with kids I might feel differently and wouldn't appretiate someone smoking something that is illegal close to kids.

I am a smoker (tobacco) myself and I respect other peoples right to avoid the effects of my bad habit.

However I get really annoyed when I am smoking in place where it is aloud and someone feels the need to give me a lecture on the subject. This happened the other week at a patio bar. After carfully listening to the bloke rant at me, I asked him what car he drove. The answer was a V8 truck. So I asked him if he would walk home so as to not inflict his poluting fumes on me as I walked home from the bar.

He shut up after this. The point is obvious, unless you cycle or walk everywhere you are hardly in a position to critise smokers (of tobacco) for smoking in a public, freely vented area.

tight lines,



Title: Re: high times
Post by: wading2fish on October 02, 2006, 09:52:54 PM
Actually like the smell...  Don't smoke it when fishing though 'cuz I'd die when crossing the river--start daydreaming halfway across!
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Geff_t on October 02, 2006, 10:09:26 PM
Just for clarification BC is the second pot capital of the world. Holland is #1  ;D ;D ;D . I don't smoke it anymore( just got sick of it) but I rather enjoy the smell. I also believe that since I am Dutch I should have some kind of birth right to smoke it if I chose to  ;D ;D ;D . But like some one else said smoke your brains out but if there are kids around then please move on.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: weizen on October 02, 2006, 10:13:13 PM
As others have said, it doesn't bother me personally, but if there are any kids around....move along.  Similarily if it is bothering someone else enough for them to say something polietly to you, be respectfull and move downwind, or butt out.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: blaydRnr on October 02, 2006, 11:06:38 PM
no different from drinking on the river.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: bentrod on October 03, 2006, 06:48:20 AM
maybe all the stoned fisherpeople is why there is so much poaching.  They get the munchies and one salmon just won't do.  There is a business opportunity in it for someone.  Set up a twinkie stand at the various parking lots.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: All Tangled Up on October 03, 2006, 08:35:31 AM
bentrod is hitting the nail on the head. I know my brother would make a few pit stops and buy the junk.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Nicole on October 03, 2006, 10:15:39 AM
I personally don't smoke it on the water, but I don't mind if others do... And I don't like drinking either, the getting out of the boat to take care of the after effects is too much of a hassle.

Smoking on the other hand, I do mind... Nobody will ever smoke cigarettes in my boat. Can't stand cigs.

Title: Re: high times
Post by: Nostro on October 03, 2006, 10:45:05 AM
I would rather smell that than the chain smoking cigarettes, especially when I'm down wind from them. :) :) :)
Title: Re: high times
Post by: chronic on October 03, 2006, 10:53:32 AM
no different from drinking on the river.

Yes it is. I know that I won't get into a fight with someone who's stoned rather than someone who's drunk. It's near impossible to get into a fight while high. There's nothing wrong with friendly people on the river in my books. We need more of these people :)

Stoner - "HEY BUDDY!"
Fisherman - "What?!"
Stoner -  "Hey"
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Spudcote on October 03, 2006, 01:14:01 PM
Would honestly rather smell reefers over cigars. This is after working this summer and having to share the boat with guests smoking both, and can't stand the smell of cigars, either in the boat, on the river, or just around town.

!!! LEGALIZE !!!  :D ;) :P
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Xgolfman on October 03, 2006, 01:24:54 PM
I find it hilarious to watch two guys hike a hundred yards up river...light a smoke...blow a couple puffs out....light a dub.....smoke it...start cracking up....and actually think every one else on the river doesn't know exactly what they are doing....

If we'd have put erb in the ghetto's down here instead of you think we'd have half the problems we do now????
Title: Re: high times
Post by: DionJL on October 03, 2006, 02:10:00 PM
Like we couldn't tell from the name. LOL

I couldn't care less, smoke your brains out. I actually like the smell.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Sterling C on October 03, 2006, 02:12:22 PM
Maybe he just enjoys DH biking so much that he decided to choose his handle based on his favorite model of breaks.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: DionJL on October 03, 2006, 02:16:37 PM
Where do you think my name came from? (brakes btw)
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Sterling C on October 03, 2006, 02:21:30 PM
Where do you think my name came from? (brakes btw)

Their color......I know purple would be the first color I would have choosen. :o
Title: Re: high times
Post by: marmot on October 03, 2006, 02:24:23 PM
I only have a problem with it if you dont offer a toke  ;D
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Xgolfman on October 03, 2006, 02:29:12 PM
I only have a problem with it if you dont offer a toke  ;D

 ;D 8)
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Floater on October 03, 2006, 02:48:44 PM
I dont have a problem with people smoking either as i smoke alot on a slow day on the river, cigs that is as for the herb i just realised if never brought it to fishing in my life ???. Dont think ill start either fishing is my anti drug.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on October 03, 2006, 03:33:12 PM
Doesn't bother me one bit. Its a personal choice. Marijuana has never killed anyone from an overdose and some people need to relax about it. Some places in the world the police tolerate it and don't arrest or charge anyone for it I also smoke cigarettes and if you have a problem with it while I am smoking outside tough. Its not illegal to smoke outside, I don't smoke in my house, I don't smoke around my kids so while I am fishing I am going to smoke as for me fishing and smoking go hand in hand just like drinking and smoking.

You want to smoke the green stuff be my guest..... Police need to relax about it and focus on the meth addicts and heroin addicts. That's where the problems exist not with the green.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: blaydRnr on October 03, 2006, 05:06:30 PM
Doesn't bother me one bit. Its a personal choice. Marijuana has never killed anyone from an overdose and some people need to relax about it. Some places in the world the police tolerate it and don't arrest or charge anyone for it I also smoke cigarettes and if you have a problem with it while I am smoking outside tough. Its not illegal to smoke outside, I don't smoke in my house, I don't smoke around my kids so while I am fishing I am going to smoke as for me fishing and smoking go hand in hand just like drinking and smoking.

You want to smoke the green stuff be my guest..... Police need to relax about it and focus on the meth addicts and heroin addicts. That's where the problems exist not with the green.

i have a close friend who councils people suffering from severe drug addictions. he pointed out,  85% of the people he deals with started smoking pot prior to their progression to more potent drugs.  it's also common knowledge that the tch level in marijuana have steadily increased in past 3 decades and continues to climb. 

you want people to relax about 'the green'.  i'd like to see how relaxed you are, the first time you find out some assh*le offers your kids some. after all, that's how it starts.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: c pin on October 03, 2006, 05:10:07 PM
theres no point in trying to hide smoking pot on the river only when theres kids other wise smoke on and  on and on. way better then drinking probably better for u then smoking cigs " Pass me the joint please" or "shouldn't u be rolling" the most popular words to come out of my mouth
Title: Re: high times
Post by: c pin on October 03, 2006, 05:17:04 PM
the first drug put in to your body is caffeine thats the first then second hand smoke , sugar , booze etc  so for you to say that pot is the gate way drug  no its not theres other gate ways there just legal
Title: Re: high times
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on October 03, 2006, 05:23:56 PM
Doesn't bother me one bit. Its a personal choice. Marijuana has never killed anyone from an overdose and some people need to relax about it. Some places in the world the police tolerate it and don't arrest or charge anyone for it I also smoke cigarettes and if you have a problem with it while I am smoking outside tough. Its not illegal to smoke outside, I don't smoke in my house, I don't smoke around my kids so while I am fishing I am going to smoke as for me fishing and smoking go hand in hand just like drinking and smoking.

You want to smoke the green stuff be my guest..... Police need to relax about it and focus on the meth addicts and heroin addicts. That's where the problems exist not with the green.

i have a close friend who councils people suffering from severe drug addictions. he pointed out,  85% of the people he deals with started smoking pot prior to their progression to more potent drugs.  it's also common knowledge that the tch level in marijuana have steadily increased in past 3 decades and continues to climb. 

you want people to relax about 'the green'.  i'd like to see how relaxed you are, the first time you find out some assh*le offers your kids some. after all, that's how it starts.

Go do some research on the Netherlands.......
Title: Re: high times
Post by: marmot on October 03, 2006, 05:26:35 PM
The idea that pot is a gateway drug is a joke.  People against its use have always tried to make a cause->effect relationship where there exists only a correlation.  Sure, 85% of people using harder drugs may have also used marijuana prior...but does that mean that marijuana CAUSES people to use harder drugs or that the people who use harder drugs are more likely to engage in risk-taking behavior, like using pot, or gambling, or drinking alcohol?  There is much more support for the latter argument...and it doesnt try to prove cause and effect, only point out a relationship.  What would be more convincing is if 85% of marijuana users ended up using harder drugs....and that simply isnt the case.  People are going to abuse whatever is out there if theyre on the self destruction path, pot is just one more thing , like almost everything else around us, that has the potential to be abused. 

A note about harder drugs though...To anybody worried that their kids might turn into drug addicts at some point, take them on a drive down east hastings and main area one evening...and explain that this is what drugs do to people, normal people like you and me.  Or, you can avoid it altogether, shelter them and just hope that your values somehow rub off on them....THATS how it all starts blaydRnr.  All kids are going to be approached at some time about drugs.

Title: Re: high times
Post by: Pat AV on October 03, 2006, 05:31:51 PM
I don't smoke the good stuff on the river any more makes me too lazy and impatient while fishing to do anything. Usually have a few pops in the back of the vest though. I say smoke away on the river ....but like others have said be respectfull of families and the elderly.

Alcohol is the gateway drug IMO.......
Title: Re: high times
Post by: chris gadsden on October 03, 2006, 05:37:58 PM
Starting to be like the flossing debate so will stay out of this one, anyway I will stick to my one drug, an extra large double double at Tims. ;D ;D
Title: Re: high times
Post by: blaydRnr on October 03, 2006, 05:40:56 PM
the first drug put in to your body is caffeine thats the first then second hand smoke , sugar , booze etc  so for you to say that pot is the gate way drug  no its not theres other gate ways there just legal

actually i'm not saying its the gateway to anything. i'm only quoting what drug addicts themselves, have claimed based on their own experiences.

if you want to smoke it, all the power to you.  but don't say its in the same category as caffeine or sugar and then say its not as bad as meth or coke. may not be as lethal, but has the same profound effect as them.  you really believe that smoking reefers don't have conscequences to the health of your lungs, liver, brain, and kidneys ?

you're better off arguing over the legality of it.

Title: Re: high times
Post by: blaydRnr on October 03, 2006, 05:45:42 PM

Go do some research on the Netherlands.......

actually, i have.... for developed countries, they have the highest number of drug addicts per capita in the world.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: DionJL on October 03, 2006, 06:08:02 PM
Starting to be like the flossing debate so will stay out of this one, anyway I will stick to my one drug, an extra large double double at Tims. ;D ;D

Pfft, you have no tolerance. If its an XL you gotta make it a Triple Triple ;D

I was offered pot when i was 11. I was never driven through the downtown east side. I was a fairly sheltered kid, but i've never had a problem sticking to my guns and saying no. I do what i think is right no one convinces me otherwords.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: blaydRnr on October 03, 2006, 06:37:03 PM
The idea that pot is a gateway drug is a joke.  People against its use have always tried to make a cause->effect relationship where there exists only a correlation.  Sure, 85% of people using harder drugs may have also used marijuana prior...but does that mean that marijuana CAUSES people to use harder drugs or that the people who use harder drugs are more likely to engage in risk-taking behavior, like using pot, or gambling, or drinking alcohol?  There is much more support for the latter argument...and it doesnt try to prove cause and effect, only point out a relationship.  What would be more convincing is if 85% of marijuana users ended up using harder drugs....and that simply isnt the case.  People are going to abuse whatever is out there if theyre on the self destruction path, pot is just one more thing , like almost everything else around us, that has the potential to be abused. 

A note about harder drugs though...To anybody worried that their kids might turn into drug addicts at some point, take them on a drive down east hastings and main area one evening...and explain that this is what drugs do to people, normal people like you and me.  Or, you can avoid it altogether, shelter them and just hope that your values somehow rub off on them....THATS how it all starts blaydRnr.  All kids are going to be approached at some time about drugs.

forget sheltering your kids, there's no full proof way of raising them anyway.  how about teaching by example? if you say its ok to do pot, chances are your kids will grow up thinking its ok too. or i suppose you can take the "do as i say...not as i do" approach.  or how about the fact that pot is still considered illegal? but i guess that has no bearing on your stance.  so smoke on, enjoy and let's not hijack this thread any further.

Title: Re: high times
Post by: blaydRnr on October 03, 2006, 06:40:28 PM

Go do some research on the Netherlands.......

actually, i have.... for developed countries, they have the highest number of drug addicts per capita in the world.

BlaydRnr you turning into a post whore again ???

last year this time, i had 500 posts you had less than a hundred... now you've got 1406+  who's the real whore :D you slut. ;D
Title: Re: high times
Post by: mrking on October 03, 2006, 06:49:26 PM
Yes it bothers me. I go out and try to enjoy the outdoors and get away from it all and some moron is smoking weed.

Unless the tool lives around the area, when they are done fishing they will get in their car and drive home. You can never convince me that people that smoke pot are smart.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Youngin on October 03, 2006, 06:52:38 PM
Starting to be like the flossing debate so will stay out of this one, anyway I will stick to my one drug, an extra large double double at Tims. ;D ;D

Pfft, you have no tolerance. If its an XL you gotta make it a Triple Triple ;D

I was offered pot when i was 11. I was never driven through the downtown east side. I was a fairly sheltered kid, but i've never had a problem sticking to my guns and saying no. I do what i think is right no one convinces me otherwords.

Same.. I was offered pot at a little older age.. I said no and my parents didn't need to drive me through downtown.. I just used a little common sense.  I don't know any "regular" blazer that is doing good in school right now.. well maybe only one :P .. and I HATE IT when people smoke that ****.. It has one of the worst smells next to garbage IMO.

Mr king.. you hit the jack pot.. I drive 1 - 1.5  hours to finally get away from all the city noise and have a nice time out on the river when some @$$**** starts smoking pot or ciggs right next to me.. not cool
Title: Re: high times
Post by: bentrod on October 03, 2006, 07:32:22 PM
I don't mind it when people smoke pot, as long as they stay off the road, don't do it on the job, don't become a burdon on society, don't make any crucial decisions, don't try to get my kids to do it, and don't blow it on me.

Other than that, feel free to smoke your brains out.   
Title: Re: high times
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on October 03, 2006, 08:17:44 PM
Yes it bothers me. I go out and try to enjoy the outdoors and get away from it all and some moron is smoking weed.

Unless the tool lives around the area, when they are done fishing they will get in their car and drive home. You can never convince me that people that smoke pot are smart.

So you own the area that you are fishing? If you dont like it than move. I dont smoke pot on the rivers but I do smoke cigs and if you dont like it tough. If someone is smoking pot near me while I am fishing I could care less. If hes an adult it is something he chooses to do and you cant control what other people do. Calling people that smoke pot morons just shows how intellegent you really are.....
Title: Re: high times
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on October 03, 2006, 08:57:59 PM
Yes it bothers me. I go out and try to enjoy the outdoors and get away from it all and some moron is smoking weed.

Unless the tool lives around the area, when they are done fishing they will get in their car and drive home. You can never convince me that people that smoke pot are smart.

So you own the area that you are fishing? If you dont like it than move. I dont smoke pot on the rivers but I do smoke cigs and if you dont like it tough. If someone is smoking pot near me while I am fishing I could care less. If hes an adult it is something he chooses to do and you cant control what other people do. Calling people that smoke pot morons just shows how intellegent you really are.....

Well said BOBO!!!!!!I think pot should be legal anyways.Hasnt weed been decrimanilized here in bc ???

It should be legal in my mind as well. People should be able to grow it for personal consumption. Personally I think people that are alcoholics are worse than those that smoke pot as records indicate more deaths are from alcohol related incidents than those of marijuana incidents. If it were legal their would be no more grow ops. Police would be able to crack down on the meth and heroin and leave these people that like to smoke alone.

Ever heard of medicinal marijuana? Well it is proven that it does help those with chronic pains. So its not all bad.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: troutbreath on October 03, 2006, 09:09:45 PM
They gave me one of those "urine" test for a job a couple years a go. Thought I was Steve Fonyo. Tested positive for  marijuana and 7/11 hoagie as well as Twinkie. Never applying for another job again.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: *Lil Fisherman* on October 03, 2006, 09:10:58 PM
Haha, its kind of ironic that I was reading all this and then I scrolled down and saw your quote from the TPBoyz, bbronswyk2000  ;D
Can you imagine the crew, fishing while in character?!?! :D
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Sterling C on October 03, 2006, 09:20:04 PM
I for one feel that someone should not knowingly be injesting any substance into their body they know to be harmful. My personal morals tell me that my body is to be treated with the utmost respect and I avoid unethical behaviors such as smoking, drinking, eating fast food etc. Anyone who doesn't treat their body with the same level of respect that I uphold mine to, is in my eyes an unethical person. However, their body is their body and the use of those substances are legal within the law. If someone where to be so thoughtless as to jeopordize my health then I would let them have it. If its legal and not effecting me the have at it. Might not be fair that people such as myself who look after ourselves have our tax dollars being spent on lung cancer clinics but I suppose paying a little in taxes is a whole lot better than dying before my time.

Marijauna is a nother issue. It's Illegal. Doesn't matter if it is decriminalized, it is still prohibited under law. Kinda similar to flossing if you think about it. Illegal, but still tollerated to a certain extent under the law. Some people love it, some people are dead against it. Interesting....

Now that I've spoken my bit, I'd like to say that I'm not a total nazi. I don't smoke anything, drink any caffine, rarely eat junkfood and avoid for the most part over the counter drugs. I have been known to have the odd brew but thats about it. The whole reason for the above speal is that this thread reeks of ethnocentrism and is just putting one camp of people against the other.

Title: Re: high times
Post by: troutbreath on October 03, 2006, 09:35:57 PM
reeks of ethnocentrism

Whats that?
I thought it was about pot. Have a good breath of fresh air(if there is any?) and relax.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Youngin on October 03, 2006, 09:40:15 PM
Yes it bothers me. I go out and try to enjoy the outdoors and get away from it all and some moron is smoking weed.

Unless the tool lives around the area, when they are done fishing they will get in their car and drive home. You can never convince me that people that smoke pot are smart.

So you own the area that you are fishing? If you dont like it than move. I dont smoke pot on the rivers but I do smoke cigs and if you dont like it tough. If someone is smoking pot near me while I am fishing I could care less. If hes an adult it is something he chooses to do and you cant control what other people do. Calling people that smoke pot morons just shows how intellegent you really are.....

Well said BOBO!!!!!!I think pot should be legal anyways.Hasnt weed been decrimanilized here in bc ???

It should be legal in my mind as well. People should be able to grow it for personal consumption. Personally I think people that are alcoholics are worse than those that smoke pot as records indicate more deaths are from alcohol related incidents than those of marijuana incidents. If it were legal their would be no more grow ops. Police would be able to crack down on the meth and heroin and leave these people that like to smoke alone.

Ever heard of medicinal marijuana? Well it is proven that it does help those with chronic pains. So its not all bad.

Even though you can do whatever you want.. I think you should respect others around you while you're having a smoke infront of a bunch of fishermen. I sure as hell wouldn't like smoke blowing in my face when I'm trying to enjoy nature! I've had it happen to me many times and you're right I can't do anything about it.. but put your self in my position.

My 2 cents
Title: Re: high times
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on October 03, 2006, 10:10:35 PM
I would never blow it in someones face but if I am at a spot I am going to light a smoke. If someone doesnt like it than move. Its not against the law and its not disrespctful since it is outside and not in an enclosed area. I dont smoke in my house as I have kids, I dont smoke in my vehicle with my kids. If I am on the river or on a lake I am going to smoke, if the wind is going in your direction their is nothing I can do about it.....
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Murkeywaters on October 03, 2006, 10:32:36 PM
Hi all,

as I tried to point out in my previous post...

All those who say "don't smoke near me in public" don't have a leg to stand on if they have driven to the fishery.

Those of you who don't want smoke (of what ever variety) in your face, think about why should I as a smoker have your V8 gas gobbler fumes in my lungs! You are just compounding my problems  :)

Even if you don't drive you I bet you use gas or electic at home, which polutes my atmosphere.

It's all just hypothetical but I hope it makes those have very cut and dried views on the matter realise they are not as "clean" as they might like to think.


Title: Re: high times
Post by: blaydRnr on October 03, 2006, 10:55:16 PM
I would never blow it in someones face but if I am at a spot I am going to light a smoke. If someone doesnt like it than move. Its not against the law and its not disrespctful since it is outside and not in an enclosed area. I dont smoke in my house as I have kids, I dont smoke in my vehicle with my kids. If I am on the river or on a lake I am going to smoke, if the wind is going in your direction their is nothing I can do about it.....

i smoked for 12 years and i had the same additude as you... of course you have the right to smoke out in the open.  the thing is would you give the same consideration (that you'd expect for yourself), towards a nonsmoker if he was already fishing the hole before you even got there? would you care if it bothered him?

i'm a little surprised that a weight fanatic like yourself would even be smoking. you realize you're putting alot of pressure on your heart and you won't be able to reach your full potential if you continue to smoke. talk about a shock to your system. :-\
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Bonanza on October 03, 2006, 10:59:46 PM
Man do we ever need some rain! Havent seen 4 pages on any fishing topic since sept 3rd! As far as the green , dont use it my self but have fished with lots of guys that do. Never had any toker bother me! Most kids see all this and much more at elementary school , so no need to use that as an excuse to get on the high horse if you know what I mean. The only reason guys dont want the kids to see the smoke is because they dont want the kids to tell the mom that dad had a few tokes.LOL :o
Title: Re: high times
Post by: blaydRnr on October 03, 2006, 11:19:54 PM
Man do we ever need some rain! Havent seen 4 pages on any fishing topic since sept 3rd! As far as the green , dont use it my self but have fished with lots of guys that do. Never had any toker bother me! Most kids see all this and much more at elementary school , so no need to use that as an excuse to get on the high horse if you know what I mean. The only reason guys dont want the kids to see the smoke is because they dont want the kids to tell the mom that dad had a few tokes.LOL :o

wow i'm just amazed at the cavalier attitude towards doing illegal drugs. not even taking into consideration the potential dangers that can arise while out on the flow or the fact that those guys will probably end up driving while under the influence.

most of the guys who support the use of marijuana are also the same guys who give criticism and vent their frustations towards unethical fishing practices and behavior. what a bunch of self righteous hypocrits. ???
Title: Re: high times
Post by: THE_ROE_SLINGER on October 03, 2006, 11:51:30 PM
Not safe to do illegal drugs period!, But doing them around water!, thats just insane!
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Xgolfman on October 04, 2006, 12:12:45 AM
THis is all just too stupid...

Stoned people are good for the rivers...If a bear shows up I know my sorry a$$ ain't gonna be the one he catches...

Yeah, just's gentle ben, now go feed him your arm... 8)

Title: Re: high times
Post by: Fish Assassin on October 04, 2006, 12:14:39 AM

wow i'm just amazed at the cavalier attitude towards doing illegal drugs. not even taking into consideration the potential dangers that can arise while out on the flow or the fact that those guys will probably end up driving while under the influence.

Well said.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Nina on October 04, 2006, 12:22:51 AM
I am glad to see that the younger users of this forum seem to be the wise and responsible people in this debate.

Doing drugs is wrong and illegal. People doing drugs can say whatever they want to convince themselves otherwise; they are gonna be the sorry ones.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Youngin on October 04, 2006, 12:26:43 AM
THis is all just too stupid...

Stoned people are good for the rivers...If a bear shows up I know my sorry a$$ ain't gonna be the one he catches...

Yeah, just's gentle ben, now go feed him your arm... 8)

I know you're just joking.. (Hopefully)
bUt hoesntly, I wouldn't want to see anyone hurt on the river.. even if this person was a complete drunken idiot.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: chronic on October 04, 2006, 01:01:38 AM
To whoever said that caffeine, alcohol and other legal "drugs" kids consume before other substances are the real gateway drugs is absolutely right in my opinion. I think that harder drugs like heroin for example should be left out of this debate. Those are all synthetic and don't really have a connection to pot. I mean IT"S JUST A FLOWER. Marijuana/hemp has over a thousand POSITIVE uses and to me saying that marijuana should be illegal is like saying God made a mistake(for those who believe). Why the pigs spent so much time chasing this plant I will never quite understand. Like the saying goes, "Regulate, Educate, Medicate"
Title: Re: high times
Post by: dennisK on October 04, 2006, 06:43:53 AM
I just hope that the moderators notice that dennisk aka "the opinionated one" has shown self restraint (due to recent meditative techniques) and not participated in this heated topic.  ;D
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Xgolfman on October 04, 2006, 09:24:46 AM
I just hope that the moderators notice that dennisk aka "the opinionated one" has shown self restraint (due to recent meditative techniques) and not participated in this heated topic.  ;D

 :D :D....
Title: Re: high times
Post by: chronic on October 04, 2006, 11:21:41 AM
I'm curious if the people who say all these bad things about pot have experienced what it's like to be high.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: marmot on October 04, 2006, 11:44:42 AM
I am glad to see that the younger users of this forum seem to be the wise and responsible people in this debate.

Doing drugs is wrong and illegal. People doing drugs can say whatever they want to convince themselves otherwise; they are gonna be the sorry ones.

Are you saying its morally wrong?  Who are you, or who am I, to impose morals on anybody?  It might be a good idea for people to rethink what they define as many of you drink coffee and know the effects that it has on brain function with habitual use?  Do some research and you'll find that most of the common over the counter prescription drugs and the drugs that are legally available for recreational use are much more harmful than some of the "illegal" drugs we're talking about....AND they are more addictive as well. Think caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, pain killers, sleeping meds, etc.  the list goes on. 
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Stratocaster on October 04, 2006, 12:21:26 PM
Title: Re: high times
Post by: blaydRnr on October 04, 2006, 12:25:48 PM
I'm curious if the people who say all these bad things about pot have experienced what it's like to be high.

i'm not proud to talk about it,  but just so that boggers don't think i'm talking out of my my friend... YES.  that includes more elicit drugs like coke, meth, red devils, hash, shrooms, and cid.  ALL DURING MY DON'T GIVE A SH*T YEARS.  so you fools who ask what the big deal is, come back to me in 10 years and lets talk and compare experiences and principles.  then we'll talk about how happy you are where you're at, but for now, like i said before carry on and learn from your own experience...i just hope you're lucky enough like i was, to get out of it in one piece.

i've got friends who only do pot. i find they can't get through a week without reefin and when they come down, they lose motivation to do anything.

marijuana may not be coke or meth or heroin, but when it becomes part of your daily life, nothing good comes out of it.when addiction hits, people who smoke erb make it routine to plan their next score, just like trying to decide what to have for dinner.

so down play it or compare it to lesser drugs like cigarettes.  doesn't matter. if you need it for whatever reason and don't care of its legal've achieved the status of a DRUG ADDICT, only living from the FLIP SIDE (wealthier plane) from the addicts of EAST SIDE.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Nina on October 04, 2006, 12:30:20 PM
I am glad to see that the younger users of this forum seem to be the wise and responsible people in this debate.

Doing drugs is wrong and illegal. People doing drugs can say whatever they want to convince themselves otherwise; they are gonna be the sorry ones.

Are you saying its morally wrong?  Who are you, or who am I, to impose morals on anybody?  It might be a good idea for people to rethink what they define as many of you drink coffee and know the effects that it has on brain function with habitual use?  Do some research and you'll find that most of the common over the counter prescription drugs and the drugs that are legally available for recreational use are much more harmful than some of the "illegal" drugs we're talking about....AND they are more addictive as well. Think caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, pain killers, sleeping meds, etc.  the list goes on. 

It's illegal.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: marmot on October 04, 2006, 12:53:07 PM
Doug, WHAT PART OF MY POST DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?  Im not commenting on the comment of legality, Im commenting on the "wrong" or "right" of it.  Read and think before you react, please.

Since when does legal/illegal equate to right/wrong?  Not everything that is illegal is wrong, and not everything that is legal is right.  Its obvious to anybody with a grain of intelligence.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: marmot on October 04, 2006, 12:59:56 PM

so down play it or compare it to lesser drugs like cigarettes.

Im sure youre a decent and educated guy but if you consider cigarettes a "lesser" drug...and i take your meaning to be less harmful, you really need to give your head a shake.  I didnt think there was a person left on this planet that actually thought that cigarette use doesnt lead to cancer and a whole host of other health problems...AND they are farrrr more addictive than many illegal recreational drugs.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Stratocaster on October 04, 2006, 02:44:41 PM
Doug, WHAT PART OF MY POST DID YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?  Im not commenting on the comment of legality, Im commenting on the "wrong" or "right" of it.  Read and think before you react, please.

Since when does legal/illegal equate to right/wrong?  Not everything that is illegal is wrong, and not everything that is legal is right.  Its obvious to anybody with a grain of intelligence.

In that case "Do I think it is wrong to smoke pot next to others and subject them to the smell if they are bothered by it?"  YES
                 "Do I think its wrong to have such liberal attitudes about a drug thus possibly setting a bad example to kids?" YES
                 "Do I think its wrong to start smoking pot just to get a buzz or high and most likely impairing my ability to operate a motor vehicle?"  YES

Note that I did not comment on any legalities.

Marmot, I'm sure you are a decent guy yourself but you can't convince me that smoking drugs is right.

Title: Re: high times
Post by: ~IvAn~ on October 04, 2006, 03:26:31 PM
Most of the cops will not even charge you if they catch you smoking it.So its not that illegal.
It has been decrimanlized.Get over it people cause its here to stay ;D

Charging you with a summary conviction of possession of  narcotics under 15-30 grams is the least of their worries, when they have other bigger crimes to fight (e.g assaults, domestic violence, murder) It's really up to the discretion of the officer.As for decriminalization....i don't think Bill C-38 made it pass the 3rd reading.  ::)
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Sterling C on October 04, 2006, 03:51:27 PM
Most of the cops will not even charge you if they catch you smoking it.So its not that illegal.
It has been decrimanlized.Get over it people cause its here to stay ;D

Then I suppose flossing/snagging is not really illegal either then since the (fish) cops are well aware of the problem but do nothing to solve it. I guess we should all just get over that too....
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Youngin on October 04, 2006, 04:17:55 PM
Well said biff.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: demco99 on October 04, 2006, 04:24:27 PM
Yep flossing isn't technically illegal either, so yeah, you should get over it. Ranting away on the internet 'aint going to change a thing. Nothing quite like somking bud out on the chuck and then tying into a big spring. I find I become a perfectionist about my gear choice, knots, depth etc. Keep smoking boys..
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Pat AV on October 04, 2006, 04:40:39 PM
I am very surprised by the far right wing views of many on this topic.

Quick question for all of our American contributors what is your opinion on the war on drugs and how do you think it is working?
Title: Re: high times
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on October 04, 2006, 05:01:47 PM
Their are drugs than their are drugs. Marijuana can hardly be in the same sentence as drugs like heroin, meth, crack, cocaine etc etc....

Here is some truth. I grew up in Surrey. I went to high school there. At the age of 15 I started using it. I still went to school, partied like a rock star and graduated. Sure their are things I regret but even if I had not smoked it I would have things I regret who doesn't. Once I got married I never purchased it anymore. I smoke it here and there if it is around me but never anywhere near my kids. If I found out one of my kids was using it I would get him to stop one way or another. Not because I so much disapprove of the drug but because it is an illegal substance. Once my children become adults it becomes their choice. As long as they are under my roof they have to live by the laws set by the governments and the rules set by myself and my wife.

I am not a bad person because I choose to do what I do. I also don't paint people with the same brush and that's what it appears some of you are doing. Just because someone chooses a certain lifestyle does not make them worse or better than anyone else. Some people treat others like second class citizens because of the lifestyle they choose. This is not a fair assessment and you will lose out on some good friendships if you do this.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: James on October 04, 2006, 05:21:30 PM
Their are drugs than their are drugs. Marijuana can hardly be in the same sentence as drugs like heroin, meth, crack, cocaine etc etc....

 As long as they are under my roof they have to live by the laws set by the governments and the rules set by myself and my wife.

Your first line is so true , Cigs and alcohol can cause the same health damages as weed , if not more .

There is a problem with your second statement , your kids are not going to smoke it under your roof  ;D . But if a parent rasies there kids with honesty in mind , then they shouldn't have a problem .
Title: Re: high times
Post by: marmot on October 04, 2006, 05:22:36 PM
I respect all of your views Doug, and you are allowed and thankfully encouraged in our society to make up your own mind about what is morally right and wrong.  Im not trying to convince anybody that smoking pot is the right thing to do...thats up to them to decide, not you or me (*unless they are our children, whom we are of course responsible for, then we do our best to educate them with facts so they are informed enough to make their own decisions when they are old enough).

And for the record, if im on the river next to kids, im not gonna light up, nor would i light up beside somebody without asking if they minded first.  Common courtesy and sense does play a role with most of the pot smokers I know.

One more thing...Everybody in here touting the "law" as a reason to behave a certain way needs to put themselves in check before they criticize other people for disobedience.  Ever sped in a car or not come to a complete stop at a stopsign? J-Walked? Drank in public? Brought something across the border and not claimed it?  If youre gonna talk the talk you'd better walk the walk.  And for those of you who have never broken a law, remember that oral sex is illegal in some that something you'd follow blindly JUST because its a law?  Ethics classes would do wonders for some of the puritan right wingers found in the lower mainland.  Yeesh!
Title: Re: high times
Post by: THE_ROE_SLINGER on October 04, 2006, 05:26:09 PM
you guys are crazy!, Lots of people smoke cigaretts on the river, I dont mind aslong as your not blowing it in my face . Now to smoke pot on rivers or smoke pot period, I would think of you as stupid and irresponsible. Escpecially adults. One of my freinds last year decided to do pot for the first time, The kid was great, funny, smart, and never did a drug in his life. But for some reason he tried it. Now the kid Has not been to school for a year, and is suffering from depretion and has to go see a shrink every day. Also aother fellow who I played hockey with did weed, then he started doing meth..ect, And the fellow got shot becasue he owed some guy 1000$. WHY, I look at it as I want to live aslong as possible, so why basicly waste your life and do stupid **** like this.  Give your head a shake. Save the money and buy some fishing gear :), If my parents ever saw me doing drugs, I WOULD BE SCREWED. And I will never do drugs, Because it has killed people I know before and thats not happening to me. Take your life for grantided, because you only have 1.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: marmot on October 04, 2006, 05:35:29 PM
Its too bad that those kids you know chose to go down that path...but dont think for a second that had they stayed away from pot that none of that other stuff would have happened.  If that kid is needing to see a shrink every day I'd guess that a screwed up home life that didnt allow him to learn to make responsible decisions is at fault...and that his using pot is merely a symptom of his state and not the root of it.  You will ALWAYS encounter people in life that make poor decisions...there are poor decisions to be made all around us, all the time.  The sooner you realize that, the sooner you make responsible decisions for yourself.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: THE_ROE_SLINGER on October 04, 2006, 05:41:06 PM
Actually yes it is the root of it and its the reason why. The kid started seing things, and thinks he is the worst person in the world, and that his parents hate him. All because of one stupid ******  decision! And if I bet if he had a choice again it would be a different one, And I can name another 5 or 6 stories about this **** ****. So Make the right decision in life!
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Youngin on October 04, 2006, 05:43:25 PM
watch the language roe kid ;)

But yes.. and bbronswyk, how can you tell your kids NOT to smoke weed and NOT to smoke ciggs when you are doing it your self! IT IS EASY to see..
You say that you don't do it around your kids but they aren't dumb.. they will eventually know something is going on!!! In my mind, you are being VERY hypocritical!
it is 100% your business.. but I would just like to tell you how I would feel if my dad told me not to do that crap and he went behind my back and blazed.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: THE_ROE_SLINGER on October 04, 2006, 05:47:10 PM
Some for the language, I just done understand some ppls points!, I think there this stupid cupcakes when there writting on here
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Pat AV on October 04, 2006, 06:08:37 PM
Good to see the young fellows are united on the war on drugs. I am actually surprised that so many young BC'ers are so strongly against the erb.. Who are we to be telling people they can't have a puff at the river or that they are wrong for doing it. Smoking dubies is no worse for your health than smoking a cigarette (both are bad) one just happens to be legal and the other doesn't if you don't believe that do some research.

That story about Someone loosing his mind from smoking one joint is the most far fetched story I have ever heard you should submit that one to the journal of psychologists I am sure they would be very interested to hear about the one and only case of a joint driving Someone crazy. Give me a break!

That said all due respect to you young fellows for just saying no, you will never miss anything by not killing your brain cells and lungs etc good job not giving in to peer pressure. Just try not to preech so much untill you have a little more experience with life.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: small_fish on October 04, 2006, 06:16:43 PM
Its all in influnce, When I go to partys 95% of them people smoke weed or pop E. And what surprises me alot of the girls do it to. I just dont understand, I get asked alot, But i take my ground. And say no after the millonth time I still say no
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Fish Assassin on October 04, 2006, 06:38:40 PM
But yes.. and bbronswyk, how can you tell your kids NOT to smoke weed and NOT to smoke ciggs when you are doing it your self! IT IS EASY to see..
You say that you don't do it around your kids but they aren't dumb.. they will eventually know something is going on!!! In my mind, you are being VERY hypocritical!
it is 100% your business.. but I would just like to tell you how I would feel if my dad told me not to do that crap and he went behind my back and blazed.

I agree that is hypocritical. Classic case of do as I say not do as I do. It's like telling the kids not to drive while under the influence while you're driving drunk. It's up to the parents to set the examples.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on October 04, 2006, 07:01:29 PM
But yes.. and bbronswyk, how can you tell your kids NOT to smoke weed and NOT to smoke ciggs when you are doing it your self! IT IS EASY to see..
You say that you don't do it around your kids but they aren't dumb.. they will eventually know something is going on!!! In my mind, you are being VERY hypocritical!
it is 100% your business.. but I would just like to tell you how I would feel if my dad told me not to do that crap and he went behind my back and blazed.

I agree that is hypocritical. Classic case of do as I say not do as I do. It's like telling the kids not to drive while under the influence while you're driving drunk. It's up to the parents to set the examples.

I am far from a hypocrite.  So since I do I should tell my kids to go right ahead and do it? I guess from what you guys are saying its better to say that than to teach them right from wrong. I made the choices I made and I turned out just fine. I live a very comfortable life style and have an awesome wife and three amazing kids. Their are some things you just dont tell your kids. Should I also tell them all the other bad choices I made as a teen? I guess in your minds I should and tell them that its alright as well.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Youngin on October 04, 2006, 07:04:43 PM
no, you shouldn't blaze.. and shouldn't smoke.. I have a friend who blazes.. and I ask him why.. he says .. well my bro does it .. and I know my dad does it.. it's fun!
These days he is much slower than the non-smoker I knew.  You can't teach someone what's wrong by doing it your self.

I can't tell you what to do.. I HAVE NO right.. I'm just telling you what I've seen from my experience. please don't take it as an offence.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: black jack on October 04, 2006, 07:11:52 PM

Title: Re: high times
Post by: weizen on October 04, 2006, 07:14:27 PM
I've stayed out of this for a while, but I'll jump in with a quick 2 cents:


You're right about making your own decisions, and making your own rules for your house.  I'm not commenting on your choice of rules, or whether you are a hypocrite or not, No desire to go there.....

What I will comment on is my agreement with you that there are certain things you don't tell your kids, but there is a very good chance that by  the time they are old enough to try weed, they'll be pros at using Google....and they will find this forum eventually ;)   Just to keep that in mind when posting about things you don't want your kids to know :)

My 2 cents :)
Title: Re: high times
Post by: cohokid on October 04, 2006, 07:15:37 PM
I think this thread is pretty piontless. I think that if someone wants to smoke a reefer on the river feel free, if the wanna smoke cigars, smokes feel free, you cant stop them and they are allowed to do know they want. Dont see any signs on the river saying "no smoking" No drinking" on the river? as long as they do it in saftey and they arent driving home or ripped.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: DaN ThE MaN on October 04, 2006, 07:18:10 PM
this thread needs to be moved to the Green Cafe! ;D
Title: Re: high times
Post by: THE_ROE_SLINGER on October 04, 2006, 07:35:25 PM
Good to see the young fellows are united on the war on drugs. I am actually surprised that so many young BC'ers are so strongly against the erb.. Who are we to be telling people they can't have a puff at the river or that they are wrong for doing it. Smoking dubies is no worse for your health than smoking a cigarette (both are bad) one just happens to be legal and the other doesn't if you don't believe that do some research.

That story about Someone loosing his mind from smoking one joint is the most far fetched story I have ever heard you should submit that one to the journal of psychologists I am sure they would be very interested to hear about the one and only case of a joint driving Someone crazy. Give me a break!

That said all due respect to you young fellows for just saying no, you will never miss anything by not killing your brain cells and lungs etc good job not giving in to peer pressure. Just try not to preech so much untill you have a little more experience with life.
Far fetched!!, Tell that to the parents of the child.!
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Youngin on October 04, 2006, 07:36:20 PM
I think this thread is pretty piontless. I think that if someone wants to smoke a reefer on the river feel free, if the wanna smoke cigars, smokes feel free, you cant stop them and they are allowed to do know they want. Dont see any signs on the river saying "no smoking" No drinking" on the river? as long as they do it in saftey and they arent driving home or ripped.

It's not pointless.. it's a discussion.. No one is trying to convince anyone to stop what they are doing... we are sharing our beliefs and thoughts
Title: Re: high times
Post by: mojoman on October 04, 2006, 07:48:32 PM
ok...I'll wade in here......first I'll light a reefer....then I'll exhale ever so slowly....then I'll look at all the posts here....what a grand bunch of folks...everyone with an opinion....some tryin' ta force Govt' sponsored info on the rest....some immovable on their stance for or against...some preachin' high morals....some even supporting a govt' law based in misinformation ....but ya know...if they ever legalize herb the big drug manufacturers will have a its not gonna happen( think big bux for the politicians and the horror we would hear from our "neighbors" south of us).....but me...I think yer all a bunch of great folks...spark or don't...its a personal choice for most....I quit for 3 "old" doc had me on 180 T3's a month...forcing me to also take meds for my stomach due to codiene....I moved...and was advised I would not be recieving my monthly script of pain killers...was aslo advised that between the doc...myself...and the fence post I should reconcider smokin' herb for pain management....this from a licenced make your bed folks...and sleep in it....but don' be layin' no boogy-woogy on this fisherman....cos I'll just puff a cloud in yer face and ask you to another thought...ever been to a party and the last beer comes up???....yeah...its instant grief...a room of smokers and the last doob comes up...naww...I'm ok...u burn it....but of course there are those who will berate me for managin' my pain....knock your sox off...have been in this debate for many all good banter...;)))

mojo...where'd I put my bong????

ps I am respectful of others on the river and elsewhere...
Title: Re: high times
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on October 04, 2006, 07:55:53 PM
I am not offended youngin as you will learn more as you grow older.

My kids could find out on the net but they would have to type in bbronswyk2000 which I doubt that they will since they have no clue what my handle is, plus adding the 2000 at the end virtually guarantees they wont find it. Their is always the chance but a very small chance.

I never smoke weed at home. Its always while I am away from the house with friends where my kids are not. Yes the smoking of cigs they do see and I am ashamed of it. ( dont smoke cigs in the house nor in my vehicle with my kids, I always smoke outside away from them ) I wish I could quit today but its not that simple.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: marmot on October 04, 2006, 08:07:39 PM
Its absurd to think that marijuana makes people "see things".  It has never been documented that marijuana causes hallucinations.  It is FAR more likely that this person had some sort of mental problem or family troubles to begin with.  RoeKid I suggest you do some reading on the history of marijuana and the actual effects of it on the brain and human behavior before you blame it for peoples actions.  I know what Im talking about from both personal experience and a concentration in psychopharmacology and biopsych studies while I was getting my degree at university...not saying im an authority on it but I HAVE been educated in this area so Im not just spouting crap...  Im not about to tell people what is right or wrong, its not anybodys place, but you should at least consider that marijuana use in your friends case was more likely just a symptom than the cause of his troubles.  Im definitely not advocating the use of marijuana either, Im just saying you should at least know the facts and inform yourself before you make statements and come across as either ignorant, inexperienced, or uneducated on the topic. 

I actually havent smoked it since my daughter was born and probably wont anymore.  I dont want her doing it as a kid, thats for sure, and when shes an adult I hope that the values we've taught her allow her to make responsible, educated decisions and not impulsive ones based on ignorance, fear, or propaganda.  At that point if she chooses to light one up on the river and relax, I'll probably join her for a puff or two.  And if she doesn't, thats great too.

  and BB2000....your kids will see pics of you flexing all over the internet though...and that might eventually lead them here!! ;) ;) ;) ;D
Title: Re: high times
Post by: troutbreath on October 04, 2006, 08:25:03 PM
Doctors prescribe drugs that can screw you up pretty good too, especially if you suffer from mental disorders. They don't have a clue if it helps you over the long term. The pharmaceutical companies make sure they do it, and don't leave out growth hormones and anti-biotics in your dinner as well. Your chowing down on more chemicals and breathing in more crap than I would care to list off.
But go ahead and single out pot smoking as illegal. It makes the other pollutants look legitimate,to the less than knowledgeable. I don't think smoking anything is good for your lungs,or a good way of taking drugs,try cookies. 8)
Title: Re: high times
Post by: island boy on October 04, 2006, 08:30:54 PM
WOW, i wasn't expecting all this. thanks everyone for your opinions.i'm not an idiot about where i smoke.go for a walk,try to keep it low key.if you smell one burning,come join in.thanks again and lets put this one to rest.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on October 04, 2006, 08:37:37 PM
Actually its a very good thread. Nobody has made this an extremely heated debate. It is good to hear both sides as it gives everyone a chance to learn something.

I know their are allot of younger people on this board and let me be the first to say that if I could go back in time I would not have chosen to smoke marijuana or cigs.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: weizen on October 04, 2006, 10:46:49 PM
My kids could find out on the net but they would have to type in bbronswyk2000 which I doubt that they will since they have no clue what my handle is, plus adding the 2000 at the end virtually guarantees they wont find it. Their is always the chance but a very small chance.


The chance is probably bigger than you realize, speaking from someone in the industry and who knows, don't underestimate the power of google.  They know your name, where you live (Or did live) that would likely be enough to track down this forum in years to come.  That is unless Rod takes it down and deletes the archives ect........even then Google keeps pages cached for quite some time.

Anyway, enough about that, you know the risk and as we both agree we make our own decisions, so long as we're comftorable with them ;)

Title: Re: high times
Post by: blaydRnr on October 04, 2006, 10:59:36 PM
I am not offended youngin as you will learn more as you grow older.

My kids could find out on the net but they would have to type in bbronswyk2000 which I doubt that they will since they have no clue what my handle is, plus adding the 2000 at the end virtually guarantees they wont find it. Their is always the chance but a very small chance.

I never smoke weed at home. Its always while I am away from the house with friends where my kids are not. Yes the smoking of cigs they do see and I am ashamed of it. ( dont smoke cigs in the house nor in my vehicle with my kids, I always smoke outside away from them ) I wish I could quit today but its not that simple.

just for the record... like everyone else on this board, i'm sure you're a great father to your kids and no one will think otherwise.

lets make sure everyone is clear...we're not talking about how bad a person is because he smokes marijuana, we're talking about the negativity of its effect.  sure cigarettes will kill you, but just like alcohol, pot will alter your state of mind when you ingest it. the question was (originally) how do you feel about someone doing it on the river?

i remember a few years back when the river was blown out, i was fishing the rapids of tamahi. this fellow was walking towards me when he lost his footing. i immediately lunged at him and grabbed him before he got swept away. anyway,  he was laughing it off then i caught the stench of pot on his breath and on his clothes. he didn't think anything of it was actually amused at the speed of my reaction.

you never know, i could have easily been pulled in if i would have grabbed him the wrong way. needless to say that got my heart going. the thing was, i risked my own life to save someone whom i felt was being irresponsible with his own. he was clearly under the influence.

if i choose to drink, i won't get behind a wheel.

if a smoker has kids, usually they won't smoke while they're in the car.

its just common sense.  the reasons are obvious.

Title: Re: high times
Post by: firstlight on October 05, 2006, 07:23:16 AM
Pot is illegal.
Alcohol is legal.

Wow,our Government is messed up.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Sterling C on October 05, 2006, 09:03:28 AM
Just to add to what Roe kid has already said. When my roomate from firstyear arrived up at school he was a pretty straight shooter. Never did any drugs, rarley drank, was a very bright guy and was very motivated. Soon after he arrived he began smoking weed. At first it was just every once in a while but then it became a chronic addiction. After a while he went from being a bright, motivated guy to someone who was completly lazy, unreliable, and did not care about school. He never made it to the end of his second year. This guy was smart. Smarter than me, and probably just about everyone else on this board, if it can happen to anyone.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: Sterling C on October 05, 2006, 09:08:38 AM
Pot is illegal.
Alcohol is legal.

Wow,our Government is messed up.

Alcohol has been legal for a long time. You can't just abolish something like that. Weed is illegal and frankley, we don't need anymore legalized substances. People will always be able to get their hands on it anyways but at least its legal standing will deter some people.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: marmot on October 05, 2006, 09:34:06 AM

i remember a few years back when the river was blown out, i was fishing the rapids of tamahi. this fellow was walking towards me when he lost his footing. i immediately lunged at him and grabbed him before he got swept away. anyway,  he was laughing it off then i caught the stench of pot on his breath and on his clothes. he didn't think anything of it was actually amused at the speed of my reaction.

you never know, i could have easily been pulled in if i would have grabbed him the wrong way. needless to say that got my heart going. the thing was, i risked my own life to save someone whom i felt was being irresponsible with his own. he was clearly under the influence.


I think im going to clarify my stance a bit...I dont think its cool to get absolutely wasted on the river...thats just stupid, I agree with you on this Blayd.  I think if youre "clearly under the influence" you've had too much.  Its like drinking in that sense...if somebody decided to have one beer and go down to the river, no big deal (i KNOW there are people here who might think otherwise...but hear me out).  If that person had six, of course theyre being stupid.  The same thing goes for MJ.  If youre smoking a massive joint all to yourself, youre probably not in a good state to be wading or even standing near water...but one puff or two is unlikely to put you in a compromising situation.  Everything in moderation.

Title: Re: high times
Post by: FF on October 06, 2006, 11:31:40 AM
 :D I would be more worried about drinking on the river then shmokin. A shmoker will most likey not attempt to do something stupid. I would say it is more of a social thing on the river specialy in steelhead season. I dont smoke like I used to but every now and then when I am enjoying a day off fishing for myself I dont mind a toot here and there.
Title: Re: high times
Post by: James on October 06, 2006, 12:05:42 PM
holy crap , the longest thread i have seen on this forum is on the topic of weed/drugs ... are we more interested in this than fishing ? :)
Title: Re: high times
Post by: BigFisher on October 06, 2006, 12:25:09 PM
I smoke Salmon all the time, no ones complaining...
Title: Re: high times
Post by: James on October 06, 2006, 01:05:38 PM
use a bong