Fishing with Rod Discussion Forum

Fishing in British Columbia => General Discussion => Topic started by: Youngin on September 18, 2006, 11:21:23 PM

Title: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Youngin on September 18, 2006, 11:21:23 PM
Many of you have been through school, and some are still in it... what would you say is the hardest year???

I'm currently in grade 11 and I can see a huge difference in the work load of grade 10 and 11!! does it get worse? :(
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: chris gadsden on September 18, 2006, 11:25:02 PM
Many of you have been through school, and some are still in it... what would you say is the hardest year???

I'm currently in grade 11 and I can see a huge difference in the work load of grade 10 and 11!! does it get worse? :(
School is the best part of life enjoy it. ;D O I forgot I am retired now and that is the best. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Youngin on September 18, 2006, 11:28:23 PM
well that helps :)
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Geff_t on September 18, 2006, 11:30:59 PM
My hardest years where 11 and 12 simply because in the winter my schooling was done in a hotel room from city to city. I would be gone for two weeks come home for a few days and get enough home work for another week or two. I was a speed skater so I had to travel alot. The good thing was I still graduated on the honor roll. If waqs tuff especially taking physics, honors algebra and bio. French was pretty easy as I spent alot of time in Quebec city. Although it was tuff to be away alot I would not trade it for anything in the world.
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: THE_ROE_SLINGER on September 18, 2006, 11:55:22 PM
I thought grade 8,9,10 was tough >:(
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Fish Assassin on September 19, 2006, 12:20:29 AM
I'm currently in grade 11 and I can see a huge difference in the work load of grade 10 and 11!! does it get worse? :(

You think that's bad. Wait til you get to university  :) I found grade 12 the easiest.
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Spudcote on September 19, 2006, 01:08:50 AM
Grade 11 was my toughest, but still had a blast. Grade 12 was probably the easiest, but nothing compared to 1st year, but that may have just been me... ;D
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: BigFisher on September 19, 2006, 01:50:59 AM
8.10.12, But its all over and now i have to find money :'(
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: JiG_Head on September 19, 2006, 04:21:42 AM
I'm currently in grade 11 and I can see a huge difference in the work load of grade 10 and 11!! does it get worse? :(

You think that's bad. Wait til you get to university  :) I found grade 12 the easiest.

so did i =D
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: mrking on September 19, 2006, 06:29:04 AM
I'd say grade 12 just for the fact that those grades are the ones used to determine if you get into university or not. 10 and 11 were fluf years for me. 12 was a work year.
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: weizen on September 19, 2006, 06:39:52 AM
I'm currently in grade 11 and I can see a huge difference in the work load of grade 10 and 11!! does it get worse? :(

You think that's bad. Wait til you get to university  :) I found grade 12 the easiest.

I'll agree with this one.  Enjoy High school while you can.  It's the easiest years of your life :)
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: drift on September 19, 2006, 09:19:05 AM
I'm currently going to college finidhing my grade 12 and I'm 34.If only I would have finished it when I had the chance.Dont make the same mistake.Grade 12 was easy,I just never showed up! ;D
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Nina on September 19, 2006, 09:29:26 AM
Many of you have been through school, and some are still in it... what would you say is the hardest year???

I'm currently in grade 11 and I can see a huge difference in the work load of grade 10 and 11!! does it get worse? :(

High school is tough because only half of what they are teaching you is actually of interests to you, if you are lucky! Usually its less  ;)

I find it gets easier later on in college and university when you choose the next step of your education (hopefully you will!) because you'll be working with stuff that means something to you and sparks your interest.  :)
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Jonny 5 on September 19, 2006, 11:38:39 AM
High school is suuuuuuper easy... in hind sight.

Just remember that it is way harder to learn something when there is no one who can teach you.

 ;D  Good luck dude.
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: fishfinder on September 19, 2006, 11:54:57 AM
Yeah, grade 11 is the hardest. Courses in grade 11 lay the foundation for grade 12 and university. If you don’t do well in Math 11 then you’ll likely not do well in math 12 and 1st year Calculus and Physics. Same could be said for Chemistry, Biology and English. High school is fun but university is way more fun so study hard.
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on September 19, 2006, 12:17:30 PM
I found high school quite easy. It was my post secondary that was tough. In grade 12 I was slacking and showing up when I felt like it and still had a GPA over 3.0
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: DionJL on September 19, 2006, 12:45:39 PM
No offense but GPA means nothing if your taking slack courses where only participation is worth marks. ie: Gym, sewing, art. Grade 12 was definatly my hardest year. I took English 12, Psycology 12, Physics 12, Calculus 12, and Chemistry 12 twice. First time around in chemistry i only got 86%. So i took it again and improved it to a 91%. I got 64% in calculus (and math is my strong point). Physics i slacked on labs and ended up with 81% in the course section, and 90% on the final.  I didn't have an honour roll GPA but i was above 3.0. I am currently taking Applied Science (AKA Engineering) at UBC. Which is more than alot of 4.0 GPA students can say.

I truely enjoyed high school because i knew how slack it was. I did what i needed to to get where i want to be without sacrificing too much of a social life (or fishing time ;D). Partied every weekend, and fished around 25hrs a week. The only advise i can give is know what you want to do post secondary. IF you have no clue take as many courses you can and be as well rounded as possible. Other than that, enjoy it while it lasts.
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: bbronswyk2000 on September 19, 2006, 12:59:46 PM
Trust me I never took slack coarses. Biology, Chemistry, Law, Physics, French but I did take a shop class since thats the field I ended up in. Wish I went to university for law but hey you cant turn back the clock.
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Sterling C on September 19, 2006, 01:05:53 PM
I truely enjoyed high school because i knew how slack it was. I did what i needed to to get where i want to be without sacrificing too much of a social life (or fishing time ;D). Partied every weekend, and fished around 25hrs a week. The only advise i can give is know what you want to do post secondary. IF you have no clue take as many courses you can and be as well rounded as possible. Other than that, enjoy it while it lasts.

I agree with Dion bigtime on this one. Compared to engineering, highschool is a walk in the park. I wish highschool had of been harder for me, because I definitly got to the top (SMS score 1950) without having to put in any real effort. When I got to postsecondary it was a real shock, and I initially found it difficult with my poor study habits. Four years later, it hasn't gotten any easier, but I know what I'm up against and what it takes to succeed.

To answer the initiall question, grade 11 was the hardest year when I was going through. Grade 12 was probably the easiest because your grades are baised so heavily on your provincial exams and with the material thats availiable provincial exams are a cakewalk.
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: DionJL on September 19, 2006, 01:11:05 PM
I'm guessing most ppl don't know what SMS is. It is just a point value u are assigned after each provicial exam. A perfect exam is 800pts, the lowest sms is 200pts.  The scaling changes depending one the distrubution curve of the marks. After grade 12 is over they take your three highest exam marks (over 474pts) and if they total to over 1700 you get $1000 from the province. I got 1759 over all with 90%math 91% chem 90%phys. So for Biff to get 1950 he must have done amazingly well.
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Sterling C on September 19, 2006, 01:15:55 PM
96% Geography, 95% Physics, 90% Chemisty. Should have gotten higher in chem but must have had a bad day. At the time I was unaware that there was a $2000 scholarship for a 2000 SMS score otherwise I would have re-wrote.
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: TrophyHunter on September 19, 2006, 01:24:53 PM
I thought both Elementary and High school were a breeze , after leaving highschool and entering the real world that is when it got tough for me.. I was out on my own at 17 so I was working full time and going to school fulltime for four years, that is when it was tough.. I was actually looking forward to only working 50 hours a week  ;D ;D... now I look back I kinda wish I was still in school !!!! ::)
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: DionJL on September 19, 2006, 01:44:23 PM
96% Geography, 95% Physics, 90% Chemisty. Should have gotten higher in chem but must have had a bad day. At the time I was unaware that there was a $2000 scholarship for a 2000 SMS score otherwise I would have re-wrote.

One of my best buddies had a perfect math. 97% Physics and a 94% chem. He got over 2000. but i don't think he got $2000. I think it was only for like a certain percentage of students at teh very top. You'd probably need atleast 2 perfects to get that. He did come within .5000%  of getting $4000 from UBC or admitance average..
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Sterling C on September 19, 2006, 01:48:42 PM
Thats rough....

In Alberta they give away Rutherrofd schoalarships. $2000 for an 83% average. Talk about easy street. The universities engineering department also gives away some very nice scholarships  ;D
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: DionJL on September 19, 2006, 02:04:55 PM
Yah my buddy got a hefty sum from APEG
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: small_fish on September 19, 2006, 03:35:40 PM
Im in gr 10 And im getting LOADED WIth hW
way more then gr 9 and 8 toogether
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: TrophyHunter on September 19, 2006, 03:48:43 PM
This thread is making me feel really old !!  >:( I have my twenty year high school reunion coming up soon
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Youngin on September 19, 2006, 03:58:18 PM
lol.. I slacked off in grade 8 / 9 so bad... in grade 10 I picked it up..
I find high school really easy and if you can't manage a b average (Unless you're a total slacker) you need some studying to do!!
because you will be screwed for grade 11.. many of the terms covered in grade 10 lead into grade 11 which becomes 2x more confusing.. I guess it works like that in any grade but I must say grade 11 seems to be a big difference for me...

but I still have time to do some fun things.. :D sometimes?
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: kellya on September 19, 2006, 04:04:36 PM
I dont know how you guys can say highschools easy. I can understand if it was a light load and not trying to do well or your naturally good in school. Im in GR 12 now and its pretty tough as i hate school. I work hard for only 83%avg. Gr 11 took more courses but they were easier. Next year its off to university in the states :-\ No more fishing aug-may. Anyone here go south for Unv as well?
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Youngin on September 19, 2006, 04:06:03 PM
It's tough because you HATE school.. if you have a bad attitude towards something there is no way you can succeed in it.
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: kellya on September 19, 2006, 04:10:41 PM
Lol its how i am i cant enjoy it if i tried. Next year maybe UNV will be more fun with alot more freedom.
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Jonny 5 on September 19, 2006, 04:18:32 PM
I dont know how you guys can say highschools easy. I can understand if it was a light load and not trying to do well or your naturally good in school. Im in GR 12 now and its pretty tough as i hate school. I work hard for only 83%avg. Gr 11 took more courses but they were easier. Next year its off to university in the states :-\ No more fishing aug-may. Anyone here go south for Unv as well?

I can say its easy because compared to my postseconday and graduate school, it is easy.  At the time though, I hated highschool  (I went to terry fox incase anyone remembers that place) and really didn't think I would enjoy postsecondary.  In fact, I loved going to university (I must love it cause I am still living the student life  :o ) and made lots of good friends, contacts, fishing buddies ect.  Plus the stuff you can learn at university is WAY more interesting than highschool.

What are you going to study?  Where south you thinking of going?  Anyone here still a student / gradstudent?

Good thread little dude
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: kellya on September 19, 2006, 04:31:09 PM
Havent singed yet looking at nevada washington and a few others. Marine biology,tourism buisness havent decided
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: THE_ROE_SLINGER on September 19, 2006, 04:58:49 PM
thats cool. I would like to take enviromental sciences
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Youngin on September 19, 2006, 06:40:34 PM
I dont know how you guys can say highschools easy. I can understand if it was a light load and not trying to do well or your naturally good in school. Im in GR 12 now and its pretty tough as i hate school. I work hard for only 83%avg. Gr 11 took more courses but they were easier. Next year its off to university in the states :-\ No more fishing aug-may. Anyone here go south for Unv as well?

I can say its easy because compared to my postseconday and graduate school, it is easy.  At the time though, I hated highschool  (I went to terry fox incase anyone remembers that place) and really didn't think I would enjoy postsecondary.  In fact, I loved going to university (I must love it cause I am still living the student life  :o ) and made lots of good friends, contacts, fishing buddies ect.  Plus the stuff you can learn at university is WAY more interesting than highschool.

What are you going to study?  Where south you thinking of going?  Anyone here still a student / gradstudent?

Good thread little dude

It's just something I will have to experience my self... Can't wait ;)
and heyyyyy I'm not little  ::)

haha :)
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: kingpin on September 19, 2006, 06:56:30 PM
every year was easy except grade 11. i took physics,biology,chemistry,math,english,social studies,french and pe that was a hard year. gr 12 is easy only 5 courses fpr me 2 spares next semester ;D
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: DionJL on September 20, 2006, 12:21:19 AM
I went to terry fox incase anyone remembers that place

Graduated from there in june. Great school. lots of pride.

Trust me, if you go to university you will enjoy it. BUT i must say you have to be part of the lifestyle. Live on campus, or near. Don't commute from a farways away. If you can't get yourself home drunk, then you live to far away.

Ps: remember rubbers ;)
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Fish Assassin on September 20, 2006, 12:26:23 AM
I went to terry fox incase anyone remembers that place

Graduated from there in june. Great school. lots of pride.

Trust me, if you go to university you will enjoy it. BUT i must say you have to be part of the lifestyle. Live on campus, or near. Don't commute from a farways away. If you can't get yourself home drunk, then you live to far away.

Ps: remember rubbers ;)

Wise words from a 2 week old freshman  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Psaromania on September 20, 2006, 12:56:44 AM
.... I did what i needed to to get where i want to be without sacrificing too much of a social life (or fishing time ;D)....

I too found high school easy and breezed into UBC (graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1992). My advice to you and others - don't get cocky. You seem to be a pretty smart guy but University (especially Engineering) can be a real eye opener. Your first reality check will come next month when you have three midterms on the same day (you are being trained to cope with a career in Engineering) ;D. Your ego will come crashing down to earth real fast. I saw many smart guys humbled (even expelled due to failing grades) in first year - that is the toughest by far.

Good luck to all those students out there!!
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Hohummm on September 20, 2006, 07:36:15 AM
Grade 9 was the hardest 3 years of my life..... ;)
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: Muddler on September 20, 2006, 11:19:15 AM
Well as far as I am concerned highschool isn't too bad. Grade twelve may be the hardest year if only for the fact that you are paranoid to keep your grades high so you can get into university or college. The hardest year of schooling in my life was definately first year university. To even narrow it down further, the first semester. If you can make it through that then it is pretty simple. You just have to develop good study habits (unless you're IH8XC  ;) ) in highschool and as far as I am concerned thats the most important thing you learn in highschool. Just look at the big picture, sure you prbably wont use a lot of the things you learn in highschool later in life, but once you hit university pretty much everything becomes practical as you are learning things that ALL relate to your major.
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: DionJL on September 20, 2006, 04:48:51 PM
I took the advice of a customer from the shop. I got myself a "lady friend" thats smarter than me (in engineering too). So i have a helping hand so to speak lol ;D
Title: Re: Hardest high school year?
Post by: cohokid on September 20, 2006, 06:12:13 PM
all the years are easy, just take slack classes like me ;)