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Author Topic: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season  (Read 210561 times)


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #375 on: March 30, 2020, 07:57:56 AM »

Would be nice if that would work.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #376 on: March 31, 2020, 07:43:16 AM »

Was wondering why there were no posts here, then read the shutting down fishing thread and it all made sense.  Some people really are bitter against people who are happy with their faith.  It isn't a matter of having a healthy debate, it is about insulting and pulling out the strangest comparisons and use that as proof of their warped sense.  Just crazy.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #377 on: March 31, 2020, 03:07:15 PM »

Well if Rodney ever puts up an off topic section guess there will be lots of posts on any topic over there.
For me I'm  just going to talk fishing / sports from now on.  ;D

Anyways can you imagine...the NHL players who were injured in Jan or Feb whatever...and they fought back to get back into playing condition ...knee back neck groin injury .. then get back for game or two
& then league shuts down....
The player gotta think what next ?????????

Can see it now....Canucks or Preds or Canadian team....just 1 minute away from winning the Stanley Cup game 7 !!!
Score 4-1 it's in the bag... 59 secs 58 secs .......20 going nuts ...we finally did it!!!
5 secs 4-3-2 - the nuke bomb hits !!!
Game not completed.  :o

( TNA thank you for words of support. To stand with me publicly means a lot.
But ya know deep down they are just rapping how they feel...and I would rather they criticize me out right ....than secretly gossiping behind the scenes. But even the New Testament says the gospel is foolishness to the natural mind. In other words the gospel message looks illogical.
So no wonder people conclude believers are a little nutty. Plus there are plenty of bad examples...including I was one. Think the prodigal son story shoe fits on my foot perfectly. Problems when I drank too many beers in the bar watching some game/boxing...and when drunk people do things they normally would not do when sober.
But am now more obedient. More blessed for it. Plus never ever go to the bars anymore.

I give them  "thumbs up " for telling their honest views. Positive or negative.
Do not expect people to agree with me as if they believed everything that people say we would all be simpletons.

Shared my heart & the ball is in their court now.

(And thanks to Rodney too because if he were a lesser man he would of banned me by now.
Honestly like every member on FWR ; even the ones that think I'm nuts.
Again thank you TNA , your words of support were so appreciated & Robert_G )

« Last Edit: March 31, 2020, 09:32:05 PM by A-BOATER »


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #378 on: April 01, 2020, 07:52:10 AM »

Show me a believer that hasn't strayed some, some to quite a degree.  Went to a church growing up where the pastor was a dad whose son was held up as this amazing guy that had withstood amazing pressure in high school and was such a good guy.  He went away to seminary.  Find out he really hadn't been tempted in high school because his family was well known and he couldn't step out of line at all without it coming back on his dad and when he finally was tempted in college where there were no consequences, he did not handle it well.  It was sad to see and actually drove his dad into a bit of a mental breakdown tearing up the church.  He got things turned around but there was a lot of time where that family was having a real rough time.

I believe much the same as you.  I have had to have many of the same type of conversations on another chat board and gotten much the same response.  People can be very hateful to believers and yes, the Bible does tell us that is going to happen.  It is more hateful but the same type of thing for people who financially are better off.  They pay actuaries well.  My wife was also an actuary.  My wife and I have a nice house and paid cash for new cars when it was time and we pay for front row 200 level season tickets for hockey.  Generally though, that is it.  We take our vacation and go visit and stay with family.  We might go to Vegas to gamble a couple times a year but we eat at home almost exclusively, we saved a lot.  Both of our parents taught us that, whether you make a lot or a little, to save.  My wife retired last year.  She teaches now but only part time and only to get her out of the house.  I still work but the hope is that I will be able to retire in a couple years, by age 50.  We are very blessed but there are still people who make just as much as my wife and I did when she was working who are very upset and hateful.  Yet in the end, it isn't because we have an advantage over them, it is because we paid the price early in life in the form of not taking vacations, not having new toys, etc. as retiring was more important.  For some of the people, they dislike believers because they have a completeness, purpose, serenity, lack of a hole in their life that others are jealous of and are yet not willing to make the sacrifice that is required to get the same so they turn hateful.  Others have dealt with hypocritical or aggressive Christians that have really turned them off like a horrible salesman can turn you off and entire brand of car.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #379 on: April 01, 2020, 10:16:32 AM »

That was interesting.
Wish my wife was more like you & your wife.
Budget/saving $.
Me I'm more of saver than spender.  An Arima boat I bought ( chiped in with my dad ) we bought used & made a big savings.
Even went to USA to buy it.
Could we have bought new YES.
After a few years did sell it though. Really enjoyed the boat.
But my wife tends to spend.
She has job so she pays for it.
Shoes cloths ...designer mall.
One year later she gives cloths to relatives / her family than she starts all over again.

But I have tried to share with others about my faith many years as you say you did the same on forums.

In early 1980s was working in psychiatric group homes / activity wkr. / house control/ meds ...class 4 lic.
Steady afternoon shift. (Single then.)
So thought what can I do in the daytime ? I have free time.
Got on paper ...topics /websites / testimony of people in sports entertainment etc of believers...then got 1000 s printed up. 4 big boxes ...
Then walked dr to dr in Vancouver / Burnaby and folded paper /put in mail boxes. So many times had dogs attack ....4-5x
Never put my name on paper or asked for donation or put any church name.
Paper just stuck to the gospel message.

You are so right...some believers are pushy or pressure..
Or they come across like give us your brain/ your life...too controlling.

And there are so many bad examples of course...some tv preachers it comes across $$$ give us your $$$.   Their tv program is 90% $$$$ then they mention 10% or less about the gospel.
Then yes the Christian scandals...
Plus JW & Mormons coming to people's I can see why the average person is so turned off to anything religious.

These days I offer people Chick cartoon tracts.
Like "Gunslinger" (  title. ) or "This was your life" or "The Choice" Christmas give out "Humbug"
Out of the 100 or so titles Chick tract prints maybe I like about 10 max.
The other 90 tracts they print I'd not give them out if they gave them to me for free.
On back of tract I put some good youtube testimonies.

But even the 700 Club tv program 60 minute one from Virginia Beach ( I watch daily  mon -fri ) sometimes Pat Robertson starts praying for needs of the tv audience.
He'll say something like : God shows me there's someone named Helen. Helen you have a burning in your intestines ..God is going to heal you now. Touch her Lord ...
That sort of idea.
Pat is using the 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Corinthians ch 12 ... Tongues miracles healings word of knowledge so on...
But he does zero teaching before he starts praying.
99% of Christians have no idea about these 9 gifts of the Holy Spirit so how in the world does secular people view what he is doing ? They immediately think he's a fraud or making it all up.
Some will think Pat is a psychic or something ( of course Christians are to stay away from new age/occult) but Pat assumes everyone knows all about charismatic gifts.
It just adds in to confusion.

I mean if Rodney is teaching 6-10 yr olds fishing methods he will explain the basics...he does not assume these beginners know what knot to tie etc..he would teach/explain.
Plus when I give people the Chick tracts...again never ask their name address nor give mine.
Plus do not put any church address on the tract.

If they ask what church...I share ya can go to Protestant ch or Catholic ( but pray to Jesus only not to Mary/saints or tell your sins to a priest ..tell them to Jesus only ..Jesus doesn't need a secretary. )
But make sure the pastor is sincere & humble ...genuine.
Met one priest who was so wishy washy he did not believe that the evil one existed!!!
Why is he a priest? He doesn't believe what the Good Book says.

I even share with people ya can pray & read New Testament ( old too ) at your dwelling ( house apt townhouse ) & not even go to church.

But yes TNA ..thanks for sharing.
You have a good life so just keep washing your hands / sanitizer because it is really shocking what is happening in the last few weeks. Yes older people get the virus & die but it is taking out so many even younger folks. So do not get this virus...ya want to retire soon ...hey go to a remote tropical unpopulated S Pacific island virus.  ;D

This is very scary. Even heard some say it could be 1-2 million die in the USA even so who knows where this will end. Then they are saying a 2nd surge in the fall.

My wife works as a care aid but is off at the present but will be back to work at end of April.
Man I just hope she does not get infected & bring it into our home.

I 'm 65 (had heart attack a few yrs ago heart stint) mom whom I look after is 84 so it's concerning. But I guess if it's time to go's time to go...should we get sick & kick the bucket.
( that's when faith really comes in handy...when a person dies.. want my elevator to go up )
Thanks TNA again for sharing your story with us FWR members.
Now we know more about you.
But yes everyone keep washing hands / sanitizer ..keep hands from touching face.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 11:02:43 AM by A-BOATER »


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #380 on: April 01, 2020, 10:58:39 AM »

Yeah, a boat is one of the things on the list.  We only really have bass and catfish here, bluegill, small stuff like that.  The closest lake is an hour away.  Wife would like a boat we can ride around in and she can sit in the bow and just enjoy.  I would like one we can fish from.  Finding one that allows both we could do for 4-5 thousand used but despite keeping an eye on the classifieds for at least the last 5 years and finding a couple possibilities, we have only gone and checked out one which we didn't even really consider.  I miss fishing but with nothing close, just can't justify the cost of a boat.

However, the goal is that once we retire, we will be selling our current house, moving to a much smaller house/condo around here so we can come back during the winter and watch hockey games still and then buying a large area of land up in Alaska where we can spend all summer looking at the ocean, watching whales and otters, fishing for salmon and everything else when we want to, and generally not being around anybody else.  Being up there now would have made social distancing a lot easier but her son is a senior in high school and so we aren't ready to move yet.  Plus there is a couple more years of saving that we need to do and hopefully pay off the current house so that when we are ready to move, money is not a concern.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #381 on: April 01, 2020, 11:46:07 AM »

TNA hope your dreams & plans go the way you want them to go.
Keep a rifle nearby ..Alaska..
Maybe a grumpy bear about...
Yes nice nature & peaceful up there.
If & when you get a boat you will enjoy!
Honestly the very best times was fishing from the boat & other times just dropping the anchor ( Westham Island area off the Fraser R or Ladner....areas & just soaking in the sun. Boat lightly rocking..
Looking at the sights & listening to sounds...
It was so peaceful.
By the time we got home literally felt so renewed mentally.
Like we returned from a vacation.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #382 on: April 01, 2020, 12:44:51 PM »

Yeah, agree.  The times out on the Fraser fishing with my dad in his boat have been great.  We used a drift boat when I was growing up and that was about as peaceful as you could get.  Cold as all get out but peaceful.  We were often so quiet we would float right up under bald eagles sitting in trees and you could get so close to them.  Just amazing.

When we get to Alaska, we will have a boat.  Maybe two or three.  That is already in the budget.  Want to fish in rivers a lot, but also spend some time on the ocean.  Just not sure if I have a boat able to do well in the ocean it will be good to fish in the river.  Will have to see.  And definitely wouldn't mind having a drift boat and drifting down with a hotshot or something.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #383 on: April 01, 2020, 03:18:58 PM »

Hewes ( Christian owned. ) or Arimas or a Double Eagle boats may have a model that may suit your needs. Stable / low draft .
But see you have it all planned out quite well. Full steam ahead !!! Edit in : or Ironwood ( really like their hull design...seen one at harbour a few days ago ) or is it a Silver Streak spelling on Van Island ?
You have american money & buying in Canada goes a long way.
Are Silver Streaks good ? Have not studied owners views ....

« Last Edit: April 01, 2020, 03:24:14 PM by A-BOATER »


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #384 on: April 02, 2020, 07:37:31 AM »

Yeah, I'm sure there are some good ones out there.  Just need to find the right one.  We are thinking in the Homer area because there is still driving possible but the closer we get, the more the wife is willing to consider someplace that doesn't have roads and only has boat access to get even further away.  She does want running water and electricity so that will limit it some.  We spend a lot of time "dreaming" imagining how we are going to get the house built.  We want a big deck, raised so bears can't get on it, half of it screened in, with a fireplace out on the deck, overlooking the ocean.  My wife likes pretty river rocks so we would like to build the fireplace out of pretty river rock.  Have another big fireplace inside.  Then have close access to a river.  Have a nice kitchen because I can cook up some mean meals.  Of course we will have satellite TV and internet.

And no, we don't plan on having a guest house people can come and stay at, LOL, that is the first thing out of people's mouth when we start talking about it.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #385 on: April 02, 2020, 11:15:56 AM »

Yeah, I'm sure there are some good ones out there.  Just need to find the right one.  We are thinking in the Homer area because there is still driving possible but the closer we get, the more the wife is willing to consider someplace that doesn't have roads and only has boat access to get even further away.  She does want running water and electricity so that will limit it some.  We spend a lot of time "dreaming" imagining how we are going to get the house built.  We want a big deck, raised so bears can't get on it, half of it screened in, with a fireplace out on the deck, overlooking the ocean.  My wife likes pretty river rocks so we would like to build the fireplace out of pretty river rock.  Have another big fireplace inside.  Then have close access to a river.  Have a nice kitchen because I can cook up some mean meals.  Of course we will have satellite TV and internet.

And no, we don't plan on having a guest house people can come and stay at, LOL, that is the first thing out of people's mouth when we start talking about it.
This plans sound exciting !
Nice house plans/lay out.
The fishing & scenery will be 2nd to none.
Some things to consider.
If you live in remote /boat access only it 's going to cost much more to build.
Barge everything...
Are ya going for a log home build ?
Must be lots of companies that do build wherever the site is located.
But are you willing to have to boat for fresh produce / groceries milk veg / fruits
Maybe drone delivery ?
Possibly you need to go to Homer but it 's stormy/high waves...
Winter it's dark...are you staying 365 up there ?
If your a snowbird ( Nashville hockey season ) are you going to leave your house with all your valuables a sitting duck when your away? Possibly have a person to live on property for free in a small cabin to check on things.
High crime rates in Alaska. Assaults theft....believe it or not rape in Alaska every 7 hrs !!!
That's the figure that's reported.
Most rapes do not get reported !
How 's your health.
Think in 20 yrs your 70. Then 5 yrs later 75.
Me I want to go to the store 4 blocks away. Ha!
I want a Fresh Slice Pizza at least every 2 weeks.
There's that well done movie : think it's Mr Bland builds his dream home Cary Grant.
Really funny. He's an advertising guy who builds his dream home & all the extra costs he never dreamed would happen. Drill for water well too deep ...costs more...but seeing his frustration is so funny.
But hey not trying to be negative but really think things thru the positives & negatives...

Keep enjoying those Nashville Predators re-runs.
I'm watching the Canuck re-run where they win the Stanley Cup. How sweet it is!  ::)


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #386 on: April 02, 2020, 11:52:41 AM »

We are aware of the extra cost.  Not sure on the type of house yet but a log cabin is possible although there is some extra maintenance so not sure.  If we live remote, then we will plan on boating to get supplies.  Was one of the benefits of not being as remote.  There was actually an area that we could have bought.  It was I think 500 acres for like $120,000.  No roads close yet though, at least not real roads, 4 wheeler path but by the time we are ready to build, who knows.  We could have built a house out in the middle of that and never seen another person.

No, we won't be staying 365.  Only in the non-hockey season.  Will have to figure out a way to keep things safe, or perhaps just don't have anything still in the house that is worth taking.  Winterize it good and put the TV or whatever in a hidden safe, locked away.

I make amazing homemade pizza so not overly worried about pizza although I am sure we will go into town every so often for dinner.  Everything is more expensive up there too.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #387 on: April 02, 2020, 01:43:47 PM »

That pizza must be tasty !
Yes TNA you are a big boy & know best.
Even if you live up there for 10 to 20 yrs ya can always sell or rent the house.
But for me ... am 65 if I had your $$$ ...I'd just rent a nice cabin in some resort up there for 2-3 your own boat & store it at some location for the winter. ( inside storage. )
Then have a nice dream house around Nashville...not far from hwy thus easy to travel to get to NHL games.
Something like Jerry Lee Lewis ranch..
One of his homes near Memphis.
Open for tours when he's not there.
He's got his own lake in the back of his house for fishing !!!
Big fish but heard he catch/release.
You can have the best in winter in your dream games shopping medical ...
and 3 months up in Alaska is a lot of time to enjoy the whales fishing nature ...and with your own boat you can have plenty of time on the water.
EDIT IN: there's a Jerry Lee Lewis album Young Blood ( think it 's called. ) The front cover has him sitting on a sofa outside in back of his ranch house. In the background is the small lake on his acreage. Yep stocked with fish.
Heard a sports guy on tv yesterday say the last game the Canucks played was  3 weeks ago !!!
It feels like 1.5 or 2 months ago. Only 3 weeks ago !!!!
« Last Edit: April 02, 2020, 07:20:29 PM by A-BOATER »


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #388 on: April 03, 2020, 08:07:02 AM »

Yeah.  By the time we actually get there, things might change.  We want to be away from people and it is tough to do that in a rented cabin but maybe that is possible.  We have already looked at property and actually had been in contact with a real estate agent on one property.  Asked a number of questions and she had a couple answers but it was on a bluff and we weren't sure how far up over the water we would be so asked her if she would go to the property and take some videos and send them to us.  We would pay her a hundred for the time.  She apparently didn't want to go through that amount of work so she just stopped responding.  The crazy part is, we have never even been up there.  Never set foot in Alaska.  Yet we were willing to buy some land already despite it likely a year before we would get up there even to see it.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #389 on: April 03, 2020, 04:34:43 PM »

TNA really think it out as ya say you were never been up there ...
It such a big change. You like hockey and imagine you want to watch the home games ( season tickets )
The season how long Oct to April ( or is it Sept ) with playoffs... the house in Alaska would be used  only 4-5 months & sit vacant 7-8 months???
But you call the shots.
Impulse buying is not good. Once I got into this buying spree feeling and spent $500 on cloths ( 1970s )
I like that & need that day I looked at the items & thought  " why did I buy that? "
Looked so good in the store but at my apt cloths looked disappointing.
But do as you will. You know what you want in life.
Think it thru on every angle.
Why not have a nice house in the Nashville area ...built super strong..( tornados ) & you like attending hockey games....stores not far away...hospitals ...or buy a house & reno to your liking.
Lock it up with good security doors...good alarm system & spend 3/4 months in Alaska.
Have your own boat at inside storage in ya can do 100s of hrs fishing in that 4 months.  Or boat costs / fuel / storage costs / insurance maybe ya just rent a boat or get guide.
If you stay closer to shore ya do not need a big expensive boat.
Believe me 4/5 months in Alaska you will get your fix.
Or instead of cabin maybe an RV & have it stored. Driving back is long but an option.
Anyways you and Mrs have lots of time to think it over.
2 more yrs ya say before retiring.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2020, 04:37:30 PM by A-BOATER »