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Author Topic: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead  (Read 22457 times)


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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #30 on: September 11, 2011, 11:09:18 PM »

This is a discussion forum. Everyone has a right to voice an opinion, be it educated or otherwise.
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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2011, 07:00:08 AM »

Every year alwaysfishin comes on here and defends flossing...makes me wonder if thats the only way he can hook a fish! If I couldnt get a fish to bite one of my home made flies, a jigs, a spinner, some bait, etc, etc then maybe Id defend flossing...luckily we have guys like AF steppin up and defending a fishery where the fishers dont even know what they are doing and think wook color matters....they are the same ones that cant tell the difference between a sock, coho, steelie, etc.   :-X

BC Fisherman is right, the fishery as a whole, is a total joke and good for you evolving to the point where you dont want to partake in a snag fishery...I can respect the maturity that takes.

Every year we here stories like this and much, much more.  Nothing changes, its the same old crap year after year.  Hey Alwaysfishin, I think its a joke you always try point the spot light over on the comies and First Nations...step up and take responsibility for the fisher WE particapate in.  I think the litter and garbage alone is just about enough reason to shut BB down, love to hear what your thoughts are on that.   



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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #32 on: September 12, 2011, 07:19:21 AM »

Every year alwaysfishin comes on here and defends flossing...makes me wonder if thats the only way he can hook a fish! If I couldnt get a fish to bite one of my home made flies, a jigs, a spinner, some bait, etc, etc then maybe Id defend flossing...luckily we have guys like AF steppin up and defending a fishery where the fishers dont even know what they are doing and think wook color matters....they are the same ones that cant tell the difference between a sock, coho, steelie, etc.   :-X

BC Fisherman is right, the fishery as a whole, is a total joke and good for you evolving to the point where you dont want to partake in a snag fishery...I can respect the maturity that takes.

Every year we here stories like this and much, much more.  Nothing changes, its the same old crap year after year.  Hey Alwaysfishin, I think its a joke you always try point the spot light over on the comies and First Nations...step up and take responsibility for the fisher WE particapate in.  I think the litter and garbage alone is just about enough reason to shut BB down, love to hear what your thoughts are on that.   

Yup littering is certainly a problem....   Let's close down the PNE, the Rogers stadium and down town Vancouver so that we can stop the littering!

Heck why don't we just insist that everyone stay in their own house so that we can stop the littering....   ;D
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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #33 on: September 12, 2011, 07:23:37 AM »

if you are going to close bb because of garbage,then you close the vedder because garbage is just as bad as the fraser.


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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2011, 07:29:26 AM »

if you are going to close bb because of garbage,then you close the vedder because garbage is just as bad as the fraser.

You are right, I missed that one.....   actually I think I covered it when I suggested everyone be required to stay home.   ::)
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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #35 on: September 12, 2011, 01:14:32 PM »

Excuse me oh enlightened ones.  BB fisherman aren't the only ones that don't ID their catch.  BB fisherman aren't the only ones who litter.   Bar fisherman, short floaters, even the almighty fly fisherman:  they too little as well.  There are bad eggs in every crowd.  The only difference is the BB crowd is bigger. 


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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #36 on: September 12, 2011, 02:16:17 PM »

Ynot, the city did close down some of the dykes around chiliwack because of garbage problems and i do think that if you/we/society as a whole does't respect a resource we don't deserve to access it.  The city has also close other areas to camping and overnight parking...presumably to help manage issues like garbage too? 

Alwayfishn, if you and all the other clowns out there stayed at home over sockey eseason then certanly the side of the road at scale bar wouldn't look like a latreen.  Seriously, right on the skinny gravel shoulder, my friend wipe and dumps all over the sides of the road...just brutal and another prime examples of the yahoos the floss fishery brings out.

lets be hounest with ourselves though, litter and garbage is not nearly as big an issue in winter and fall months as it in the summer.  I think the more dedicated the fisher, the more conservation minded they are and less likely to liter or lets say bonk a thompson steelhead, etc, etc.  While Katfish is right...there are way more fishers out bouncing the fraser during the summer, a high porportion of them are: new fishers who don't have a clue, people there to rape the sockeye run, just generally losers and the dregges of the "sports fishing society"...a very small fraction are the people you see for the fall fisheries and even fewer still for winter steel.  The sockeye fishery breeds a nasty meet mentaility and it doesnt foster a nuturing attitiude towards the resource.  Thats why I wont shed a tear if they shut it down.


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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #37 on: September 12, 2011, 03:14:27 PM »

Gooey, if you'd like to some day have a grown up discussion, I'd be happy to engage you, however when you choose to respond as a child might, then I see no point in discussing anything with you.

Your arguments might actually have a little merit if you refrained from belittling folks that don't hold the same views as you and calling them "clowns".
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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #38 on: September 12, 2011, 04:48:08 PM »

Clarki yes that was me who you were talking on saturday before you went out on the boat.
Enjoying the water..........


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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #39 on: September 12, 2011, 11:05:40 PM »

Clarki yes that was me who you were talking on saturday before you went out on the boat.
It was nice to meet you Jeff. Enjoyed chatting with you. Cheers.

Sterling C

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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #40 on: September 12, 2011, 11:06:04 PM »

Declaring the fishery to be a joke and admitting you have participated in it says quite a bit about you......  not sure what to think.   ::)

Not to sure what to think about you Mr alwaysfishin  >:(

So he went out, participated and came to the realization that this fishery is a cancer and made a conscious decision to no longer participate. I guess that makes him a horrible person in need of being personally attacked. I too used to participate in that fishery from just after its inception until about five years ago when I realized its true nature. So if you need to go after someones character, you can come after me too.

Every fish counts. At some point you have to make the decision. Either point fingers at others and cry foul or own up to your own actions and the things in life that you have control over.
Actions speak louder than words.


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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #41 on: September 13, 2011, 06:59:05 AM »

Alwaysfishn me calling the sockeye hoard a bunch of clowns has nothing to do with them having different views than has to do with: their lack of knowledge in species identification, their lack of care for fish (shake n baking), their tendency to litter, their tendency to be aggressive, their cheating of the system (double dipping), their overall callousness for the resource, their inability to acknowledge their own actions through participation in this fishery, etc, etc, etc.

I think you are a clown because of how you act on this site.  You belittle me after you attack BSfisherman.  You then contiune to say in another post that everyone is entittled to their own opinion...I guess that only applies to you and BCF isn't allowed his?  Once you are mature enough to stock pointing fingers at the comies and natives and evaluate your own actions and that of flossing, let me know...then we can chat.

We all say that we floss socks because they dont bite...pinks bite.  I am pretty sure the socks have more or less moved through.  What that tells me is that people out there now (flossing pinks) probably will never try and get a fish to bite.  They are happy snagging fish in the mouth and will apply the tactic over other systems too...why work for a bite when you can force feed a fish the hook...its pretty sad.

I started flossing socks on the fraser in the early 90s and like many other fishers, eventually grew to realize its a pretty nasty fishery overall.  So when you have grown up a bit, give me a call and we can have an adult conversation.


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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #42 on: September 13, 2011, 07:07:08 AM »

Gooey, if you'd like to some day have a grown up discussion, I'd be happy to engage you, however when you choose to respond as a child might, then I see no point in discussing anything with you.

Your arguments might actually have a little merit if you refrained from belittling folks that don't hold the same views as you and calling them "clowns".

Gooey , don't disagree with AF! If you do you magically become a redundant idiot, as viewed by AF and his legion of followers! Gotta be tough being right all the time......  (See wiki for pot calling the kettle .....Don't do as I do, do as I say..... I thought I made a mistake once, but I was wrong.... ;))



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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #43 on: September 13, 2011, 07:25:54 AM »

Not to sure what to think about you Mr alwaysfishin  >:(

So he went out, participated and came to the realization that this fishery is a cancer and made a conscious decision to no longer participate. I guess that makes him a horrible person in need of being personally attacked. I too used to participate in that fishery from just after its inception until about five years ago when I realized its true nature. So if you need to go after someones character, you can come after me too.

Every fish counts. At some point you have to make the decision. Either point fingers at others and cry foul or own up to your own actions and the things in life that you have control over.

Apparently you misinterpreted my comments as being a personal attack....  Try re-reading my comment. Just because someone disagrees, doesn't mean they are making a personal attack.

"I think you are over reacting....  Reread my comment.

All I did was repeat what you said. You are totally right to stop fishing the Fraser for sockeye if that's how you feel about it. As a 14 year old you obviously don't need to look after putting food on your table.... your dad does that for you.

Often people that voice their opposition to the sockeye fishery are like smokers that have stopped smoking....   They believe because they have stopped, everyone should stop and they often become obnoxious in their campaign.

There is nothing wrong with the sockeye fishery. It is a harvest fishery just like the commercial and FN fisheries are harvest fisheries. I also prefer having a fish bite my presentation when I'm sportfishing. However when I am harvesting fish for my freezer, canner or smoker, I want to harvest those fish legally in the most efficient manner available to me.

I hope you have an opportunity to have a conversation with your dad about the subject."
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Re: 2 dead wild coho and 1 dead wild steelhead
« Reply #44 on: September 13, 2011, 10:49:28 AM »

AF, you misenterpret our comments....its this comment people think is out of line and somewht hypocritical:

Declaring the fishery to be a joke and admitting you have participated in it says quite a bit about you......  not sure what to think.   ::)

By the way, you say there is nothing wrong with the sockeye fishery so I would ask you to identify which of the following you have NEVER witnessed while sockeye fishing:
- lack of knowledge in species identification
- lack of care for fish (shake n baking)
- tendency to litter
- tendency to be aggressive
- cheating of the system (double dipping)
- overall callousness for the resource
- retention of snagged fish
- excessive catch and release for flossed fish

My guess is that if you have fished ONE DAY on the Fraser you would have witnessed most of this, if you have fish longer, then I think you agree most if not all of this list is easy to observe on any bar on any given day during the flossing season.  And realy its a season now and not just the sock opening, people are flossing like mad when the springs show up (early season) to when the pinks and chum run (later sesion) and everything inbetween.