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Author Topic: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities  (Read 233277 times)


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #825 on: May 22, 2020, 01:10:00 PM »

Every bible is missing one page ....

The one that states ..

"The events and characters depicted in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental"


That last post by Robert was painful to read. Again, I can’t imagine living with someone who’s constantly telling you what you think or know by hanging that fictional book over your head. What a unhappy life lol


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #826 on: May 22, 2020, 02:28:34 PM »

I am afraid that is not the case.

There is evidentiary support for the existence for some of the people and events in both testaments.

However, I am not saying this supports some of the fundamental claims made by Judaism or Christianity.

It's been a while since Ralph and I have agreed on something, but he's correct.
The fundamental claims of the existence of God because we can't physically prove His existence will of course always cause debate
But even on the secular level in intellectual debate, you won't find any self respecting historian deny the existence of Jesus....or many others in the bible as well as many events that took place.

That last post by Robert was painful to read.

And yet here you are....and of course you did read it.

Again, I can’t imagine living with someone who’s constantly telling you what you think or know by hanging that fictional book over your head. What a unhappy life lol

1.We've already established that it's not a fictional book.
2. It was my wife (as well as others) that encouraged me to become the Christian I am today. God did the work of course. You have no idea the blessings that come with a marriage where both the man and the woman are devoted Christians. Not a perfect marriage by any means, but you'll never understand as long you live in your rebellion.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #827 on: May 22, 2020, 02:58:10 PM »


That last post by Robert was painful to read. Again, I can’t imagine living with someone who’s constantly telling you what you think or know by hanging that fictional book over your head. What a unhappy life lol
Well big fish Robert is not unhappy.
He is very blessed and has a peace that is beyond understanding. He has love joy peace...
An obedient Christian ( not doing willful sinning ) who prays reads word trust in The Lord ( without faith "trusting" it is impossible to please The Lord ...Hebrews ch 11) praising / worshipping from the heart...
( those that worship The Lord must worship Him in spirit & truth ...sincerely. )
Then God's Presence ( Annointing ) will be upon him....
Where the Spirit of The Lord is there is liberty !!!
Light light.
Light bulb with electricity ...the room is lit up darkness.

Ok granted when the average joe blow hears the gospel or religious info there is a knee jeck re action...bull crap...look at all these JWs knocking on doors ...Mormons  knocking on doors...standing by a bank with the Watchtower mag. or dozens of Christian denominations ...Baptist Lutherans Pentacostal on & all the greedy bad example evangelists.
Then comes all the other isms....major religions....
They all have their hand up in the air !!! We have the truth or more truth than the other church....
Then we have the major master minds who bring the almighty truth and facts in their own minds ...EVOLUTION ... No God did not create humans....what happened was...they say ...billions of years ..from swamp crawly apes cave people to humans ( gee if we came from apes ...why is there still apes ? Should there only be people. Why did some apes evolve to people /other apes stay apes ? )
Check out youtube vid: God of Wonders 2009 documentary.
Shows universe stars planets sea fish animals birds nature snowflake so on and men of science will conclude there is a God behind it all.
But with all those loud voices screaming they have the special "truth" join us ...( come in the door are you? We are now going to brainwash & program you into one of us...and in a month's time you will give us a % of your $ & your free will have to come to meetings 2x a week ...are you not excited !!! Then we will expect you to go out and brainwash ...pardon me ...I mean enlighten your relatives and friends & we can be one big happy family !!! Oh do you have your check book with you..Cash credit card.....)

No wonder most are scared to check into religious things  ;D

That is why I keep it simple and non threatening or scary...

That's why when sharing about the gospel ...I share that they do not have to attend any church ever if they do not want to ...or give $$$ .
I do not want their name phone # or address.
My only purpose is the Titanic is sinking ..and point the passengers to a lifeboat that still has room.
Jesus is that lifeboat.
I know 1000% that there is a real Jesus / a devil/demons and heaven or hell.
How do I know 1000% ????
Ok I heard about Jesus message as to grade 7 attended a Christian school.
If you asked me at a young age do you believe in answer would of been Oh yes .
Well because my school and church told me.
Youngsters believe what they are told by authorities.....teachers pastors priests...

But when I was in the government school system in latter 60's ..high school in early 70's...well there was pot,alcohol,girls...Rolling Stones and 30 and more other top top rock bands....Beatles ...let's put it this way...If it felt good Do it. No rules .
My teacher's and pastor/priest blah blah ...was " Well who knows? Are they right ? Maybe they are wrong.
I did not believe it or dis believe the was more of ....I'm not sure.
I have to think for myself and not let others tell me what to believe in. 1973 was in Williams Lk for the summer break from high school ( Centennial High School Coquitlam ) and got a 2 month job working at a sawmill.
Honestly should not of landed that job because mills were laying off workers !!!
Exports were slow to the USA at that time.
It was while there in a tent..piling lumber in the mill ....1 week dayshift...1 week afternoon shift....eating pork & beans from can...sardines...brown bread...peanut butter...
But had lots of time to think...after my 8 hr shift.... Friends parents relatives 100s of miles away.
Many times I would think ....Is this Jesus and Holy Bible fact or BS ???
How can I know one way or other ?
I do not want a hope so faith.
Or pull at the straws faith.
Maybe it's real.
Guessing game or assuming it's fact.
If I was to really believe I wanted a KNOW SO faith.
Was puzzled how to go about it.
Then on a Sat. the first weekend of August in that tent about 9pm an idea.
Hey it says we can talk to God. Pray to Him. Well that's communication. Like a hot line to God.
In communication a person can say something or ask a question.
Hey...why do I not just ask Jesus directly if He really exists !!!
Got the idea that the tent is not a special place to ask...should be near the church building...
So off I went...about a 20 minute fast jog. ( McKenize Ave ) 
There's the cemetery ...there's the hospital over there...over this way a church.
Door locked problem.
On my knees ..Told God I'm not some holy guy or anything...but if He is real will You show me.
( not crazy ...not on drugs or on a high.....)
After the prayer....from my heart directed to the Godhead Father Jesus Holy Spirit 3 in 1 Trinity...Triune
Creator ....God of the Holy Bible....literally a supernatural encounter !!!
His Presence was so intense freaked me right out so to express....better way to say it is ...over welling.
Who am I to be having this encounter with the living God.
As His Presence was there ...I kept my eyes closed for the most part ...because honestly my heart was beating quickly. Guess it's just the awe of it all....His Almighty ness and my smallness in comparison.
I mean what does God and I have in common...
What do ya do at a moment like that? Hey God thanks for showing up. Do ya want to drink a beer with me ?
Anyways I prayed ...ok Thank You Your would You now go away !!!
Zoom the Presence of God left as requested.
Well I can tell you from that point and time it was no more a Wonder if God is real?
It was I know He is real.
Now I believed  that book from cover to cover.
So...if you are having any questions or thoughts that the gospel is real....just go to Him.
Have a heart talk with God.
He truly is the Maker the thing He loves and forgives.
Like how ya love your dog ....that's how God loves you.
In Romans it says....Who ever calls on the name of The Lord shall be saved !!!
That's all I'm hoping for you...go to Him.
( not trying to force you to a church or give $$$ or get brainwashed ha! )
Plus heaven will be your home....and free yourself from the spider web of satan and eternal hell.
Like get in the lifeboat off the sinking Titanic .
You will never see me ask your name or say give $ or go to this or that church...
But you will hear me say...go to Jesus the gospel and pray to Him and see what happens.  :)
And FA ya ... ;D
Well after the prayer maybe they talk about a after game snack entire blueberry pie or 3 Big Macs each....T Bone steak ...



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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #828 on: May 22, 2020, 03:55:24 PM »

2. It was my wife (as well as others) that encouraged me to become the Christian I am today. God did the work of course. You have no idea the blessings that come with a marriage where both the man and the woman are devoted Christians. Not a perfect marriage by any means, but you'll never understand as long you live in your rebellion.

again robert you made me speechless. where do you come up with this stuff.

can you please elaborate on these blessings that us regular married folks are missing out on. sounds like you married a priest. personally i married my best friend. maybe your missing out?


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #829 on: May 22, 2020, 04:11:12 PM »

Wife and I have been together almost 31 years. Solid and very happy marriage. She is catholic and a believer. I am not a believer in any way, shape or form. We do not discuss religion, she has her beliefs and I have mine. Works just fine.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #830 on: May 22, 2020, 04:32:37 PM »

Maybe Robert married A boater.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #831 on: May 22, 2020, 05:12:02 PM »

It seems to me you are trying to dig yourself out of a hole. Let's review what you said.
You say you weren't quoting scripture but you were definitely trying to be biblical. A the end of the day it's very much the same thing.

You can't turn God's Word into mockery when you are proclaiming the truth about scripture....period say you weren't quoting scripture, but I know exactly where this comes from and were trying to sound biblical, and not only that, but you are assuming that we are going to destroy all that good by witnessing and proclaiming God's Word. Again.....false biblical teaching. What you are implying directly contradicts scripture and I won't let it just fall under the rug from someone (you) who claims to be a Christian.

'Those' means plural, so I'm pretty sure you are at least referring to me and A-Boater. are implying we are doing something that will destroy all that is good by overwatering (over witnessing).
Let me quote Paul for you:

1 Corinthians 9:16
16 "For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for I am under compulsion; for woe is me if I do not preach the gospel."

Do you know what it means to be under compulsion to preach the gospel? I don't think you do, because if you did you wouldn't be accusing us of 'overwatering'. You can look through these teachings till the cows come home. Overwatering (overwitnessing/overproclaiming God's word) does not exist anywhere in the bible....but you are clearly accusing myself and A-Boater of doing that, so are going to get a reaction from me on that.

The only scripture in the entire bible that even mildly suggests what you are implying we did, is when Jesus said to not throw your pearls to the swine. I noticed you did not call anyone here out as swine. You wouldn't do that. Truth is there are both people here taking in what we are witnessing/proclaiming in (receptive hearts), and there are those (swine) who will just mock and ridicule us. It's not different than preaching in a church. Both types of people are sitting in the pews. That being said....A-boater and I are not doing anything that God would not want us to do. I hope you come to see that as truth.

Partially true. A personal blessing doesn't have to be biblical, but the problem here is that you used a 'personal blessing' to argue against a 'biblical truth' intentionally tried to make A-boater and me look bad...and you did it by using a personal blessing that doesn't exist in scripture...even worse that same so called blessing actually contradicts scripture....and then you use that same so called blessing to contradict scripture yourself to intentionally make other Christians look bad. THAT is unbiblical. I'm shocked you would do that.

Now you're scaring me. Scripture is NOT a salad bar. true biblical teacher is ever going to agree that you get to pick and choose what each scripture means. Like you said, it may give each individual a different perspective or insight on how to get through a trial or tribulation, but scripture always 'means' what it means. There are no different interpretations for different people. You'd fail bible college if you ever said that.

Yeah....I didn't do that. I understand and have no problem accepting the actual truth that scripture is trying to teach. I'm not the one who turned it into a salad bar.

Alright. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but it matters not, you tried to use what you said in a biblical context and instead ended up contradicting scripture. That's all that matters.

It was bad advice and it was unbiblical advice that goes against what scripture teaches.
I also had my share of 'well meaning' elders and youth pastors/leaders with good intentions when I was a teen too, and I also had my share of elders and youth/pastors leaders who gave me the rock solid hell, fire, and brimstone truth about what Christianity is and how THAT related to whatever I was going through at the time. Looking back decades later, which ones do you think I respect the most? The ones who told me the TRUTH.

Well meaning elders, pastors, or any one else who confesses to be a Christian who tell you what you want to hear to make you feel good.... they are deceiving you....they are lying to you....and they are corrupting you with false teaching....and they are a dime a dozen. I can assure you that if that elder actually took scripture (or multiple scriptures) and added, adjusted, or changed the meaning to make you feel better....I don't care how good his intentions were.....he's going to answer to God for corrupting you with false teachings. The bible has 100s of warnings to anyone who deliberately teaches scripture in a way that diverts from it's intended meaning.


Did you just call me an 'idiot'?

I'm confused. Why would something that is unbiblical be so close to your heart? When someone who claims to be a Christian tries to edify me with a false teaching about scripture, I trash it out my mind instantaneously.

You just insulted me. I didn't call you an 'idiot'. Which one of us should really be upset?

You're so off base, it's not even funny anymore.

1. "..."  I was implying that if I was to quote the bible, I would have used quotations.

2. the sense of turning a conversation/debate into an argument.

3. "The only one winning is the one who wants to destroy all that is good"....My reference to Satan.

4. Finally, there's a big difference between witnessing with zeal and preaching. Witnessing is just that. To inform personal experiences to those unsaved....Preaching is the continuation to further educate those brought into the fold.

You have a really bad habit of putting words into people's mouths and your assumptions along with accusation of plagiarism is what I find offensive. Even if you felt I was trying to be biblical...since when did it become bad to take words from the book to convey a personal feeling to someone in a way that is comprehensible? You forget the original context of the bible was written in Hebrew and Armaic and there are those who think the translation to English is sub par. So please take time to get off your high horse and realize your views doesn't relate to everyone. 



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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #832 on: May 22, 2020, 05:26:49 PM »

Well big fish Robert is not unhappy.
He is very blessed and has a peace that is beyond understanding. He has love joy peace...
An obedient Christian ( not doing willful sinning ) who prays reads word trust in The Lord ( without faith "trusting" it is impossible to please The Lord ...Hebrews ch 11) praising / worshipping from the heart...
( those that worship The Lord must worship Him in spirit & truth ...sincerely. )
Then God's Presence ( Annointing ) will be upon him....
Where the Spirit of The Lord is there is liberty !!!
Light light.
Light bulb with electricity ...the room is lit up darkness.

Ok granted when the average joe blow hears the gospel or religious info there is a knee jeck re action...bull crap...look at all these JWs knocking on doors ...Mormons  knocking on doors...standing by a bank with the Watchtower mag. or dozens of Christian denominations ...Baptist Lutherans Pentacostal on & all the greedy bad example evangelists.
Then comes all the other isms....major religions....
They all have their hand up in the air !!! We have the truth or more truth than the other church....
Then we have the major master minds who bring the almighty truth and facts in their own minds ...EVOLUTION ... No God did not create humans....what happened was...they say ...billions of years ..from swamp crawly apes cave people to humans ( gee if we came from apes ...why is there still apes ? Should there only be people. Why did some apes evolve to people /other apes stay apes ? )
Check out youtube vid: God of Wonders 2009 documentary.
Shows universe stars planets sea fish animals birds nature snowflake so on and men of science will conclude there is a God behind it all.
But with all those loud voices screaming they have the special "truth" join us ...( come in the door are you? We are now going to brainwash & program you into one of us...and in a month's time you will give us a % of your $ & your free will have to come to meetings 2x a week ...are you not excited !!! Then we will expect you to go out and brainwash ...pardon me ...I mean enlighten your relatives and friends & we can be one big happy family !!! Oh do you have your check book with you..Cash credit card.....)

No wonder most are scared to check into religious things  ;D

That is why I keep it simple and non threatening or scary...

That's why when sharing about the gospel ...I share that they do not have to attend any church ever if they do not want to ...or give $$$ .
I do not want their name phone # or address.
My only purpose is the Titanic is sinking ..and point the passengers to a lifeboat that still has room.
Jesus is that lifeboat.
I know 1000% that there is a real Jesus / a devil/demons and heaven or hell.
How do I know 1000% ????
Ok I heard about Jesus message as to grade 7 attended a Christian school.
If you asked me at a young age do you believe in answer would of been Oh yes .
Well because my school and church told me.
Youngsters believe what they are told by authorities.....teachers pastors priests...

But when I was in the government school system in latter 60's ..high school in early 70's...well there was pot,alcohol,girls...Rolling Stones and 30 and more other top top rock bands....Beatles ...let's put it this way...If it felt good Do it. No rules .
My teacher's and pastor/priest blah blah ...was " Well who knows? Are they right ? Maybe they are wrong.
I did not believe it or dis believe the was more of ....I'm not sure.
I have to think for myself and not let others tell me what to believe in. 1973 was in Williams Lk for the summer break from high school ( Centennial High School Coquitlam ) and got a 2 month job working at a sawmill.
Honestly should not of landed that job because mills were laying off workers !!!
Exports were slow to the USA at that time.
It was while there in a tent..piling lumber in the mill ....1 week dayshift...1 week afternoon shift....eating pork & beans from can...sardines...brown bread...peanut butter...
But had lots of time to think...after my 8 hr shift.... Friends parents relatives 100s of miles away.
Many times I would think ....Is this Jesus and Holy Bible fact or BS ???
How can I know one way or other ?
I do not want a hope so faith.
Or pull at the straws faith.
Maybe it's real.
Guessing game or assuming it's fact.
If I was to really believe I wanted a KNOW SO faith.
Was puzzled how to go about it.
Then on a Sat. the first weekend of August in that tent about 9pm an idea.
Hey it says we can talk to God. Pray to Him. Well that's communication. Like a hot line to God.
In communication a person can say something or ask a question.
Hey...why do I not just ask Jesus directly if He really exists !!!
Got the idea that the tent is not a special place to ask...should be near the church building...
So off I went...about a 20 minute fast jog. ( McKenize Ave ) 
There's the cemetery ...there's the hospital over there...over this way a church.
Door locked problem.
On my knees ..Told God I'm not some holy guy or anything...but if He is real will You show me.
( not crazy ...not on drugs or on a high.....)
After the prayer....from my heart directed to the Godhead Father Jesus Holy Spirit 3 in 1 Trinity...Triune
Creator ....God of the Holy Bible....literally a supernatural encounter !!!
His Presence was so intense freaked me right out so to express....better way to say it is ...over welling.
Who am I to be having this encounter with the living God.
As His Presence was there ...I kept my eyes closed for the most part ...because honestly my heart was beating quickly. Guess it's just the awe of it all....His Almighty ness and my smallness in comparison.
I mean what does God and I have in common...
What do ya do at a moment like that? Hey God thanks for showing up. Do ya want to drink a beer with me ?
Anyways I prayed ...ok Thank You Your would You now go away !!!
Zoom the Presence of God left as requested.
Well I can tell you from that point and time it was no more a Wonder if God is real?
It was I know He is real.
Now I believed  that book from cover to cover.
So...if you are having any questions or thoughts that the gospel is real....just go to Him.
Have a heart talk with God.
He truly is the Maker the thing He loves and forgives.
Like how ya love your dog ....that's how God loves you.
In Romans it says....Who ever calls on the name of The Lord shall be saved !!!
That's all I'm hoping for you...go to Him.
( not trying to force you to a church or give $$$ or get brainwashed ha! )
Plus heaven will be your home....and free yourself from the spider web of satan and eternal hell.
Like get in the lifeboat off the sinking Titanic .
You will never see me ask your name or say give $ or go to this or that church...
But you will hear me say...go to Jesus the gospel and pray to Him and see what happens.  :)
And FA ya ... ;D
Well after the prayer maybe they talk about a after game snack entire blueberry pie or 3 Big Macs each....T Bone steak ...

This is the true meaning of "witnessing".  No lectures no preaching.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #833 on: May 22, 2020, 07:45:04 PM »

Wife and I have been together almost 31 years. Solid and very happy marriage. She is catholic and a believer. I am not a believer in any way, shape or form. We do not discuss religion, she has her beliefs and I have mine. Works just fine.

Alright, but you're not going to like what I have to say. 2 Options:
1. You're wife loves you and she's NOT really a believer. So would work just fine. If she is a believer.....see #2.
2. You're wife loves you and is a believer, but she doesn't talk religion to you because she wants to keep you happy and not upset you. The result is she bottles the hurt up and cries her self to sleep because she knows once you die, she'll never see you again because you'll be tormented in an eternal hell while she's enjoying being with the Lord in heaven.

I know a few God fearing women married to nonbelieving men....and the other way around too. And the one's that truly know Jesus and understand their faith also understand what eternity in hell really means....and the result is that their souls are tormented with the thought their spouses spending eternity in torment. Some of them are complete wrecks knowing they won't get to see their spouses in heaven.
The bible teaches that Christians are to only marry Christians, but sometimes Christians are fooled into thinking their potential spouse is Christian. Other times they were both unbelievers when they got married and later one gets saved.....the other remains an unbeliever.

If your wife is a true believer, she hurts every day knowing what your eternal future is. She may still have hope because you are alive and salvation is still available to you, but as you get older and your years get shorter, her hurt and anxiety will only worsen.

So you keep on believing that everything is fine with your wife....but IF she's a believer....she's hurting.
On the other hand if she truly doesn't care whether or not you ever get saved....then that is proof she isn't saved either. The entire bible will confirm everything I just said. There is no way a Christian could be married to someone for 31 years knowing their spouse is going to hell and just say "'s their choice and I respect that". That scenario does NOT exist.
Again....2 possibilities. If she's a believer...she cares....if she cares...she's hurting. If she doesn't care....she's not a believer...if she's not a believer....she's not saved... Either way...thing are NOT fine.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #834 on: May 22, 2020, 07:51:30 PM »

Alright, but you're not going to like what I have to say. 2 Options:
1. You're wife loves you and she's NOT really a believer. So would work just fine. If she is a believer.....see #2.
2. You're wife loves you and is a believer, but she doesn't talk religion to you because she wants to keep you happy and not upset you. The result is she bottles the hurt up and cries her self to sleep because she knows once you die, she'll never see you again because you'll be tormented in an eternal hell while she's enjoying being with the Lord in heaven.

I know a few God fearing women married to nonbelieving men....and the other way around too. And the one's that truly know Jesus and understand their faith also understand what eternity in hell really means....and the result is that their souls are tormented with the thought their spouses spending eternity in torment. Some of them are complete wrecks knowing they won't get to see their spouses in heaven.
The bible teaches that Christians are to only marry Christians, but sometimes Christians are fooled into thinking their potential spouse is Christian. Other times they were both unbelievers when they got married and later one gets saved.....the other remains an unbeliever.

If your wife is a true believer, she hurts every day knowing what your eternal future is. She may still have hope because you are alive and salvation is still available to you, but as you get older and your years get shorter, her hurt and anxiety will only worsen.

So you keep on believing that everything is fine with your wife....but IF she's a believer....she's hurting.
On the other hand if she truly doesn't care whether or not you ever get saved....then that is proof she isn't saved either. The entire bible will confirm everything I just said. There is no way a Christian could be married to someone for 31 years knowing their spouse is going to hell and just say "'s their choice and I respect that". That scenario does NOT exist.
Again....2 possibilities. If she's a believer...she cares....if she cares...she's hurting. If she doesn't care....she's not a believer...if she's not a believer....she's not saved... Either way...thing are NOT fine.

lol... either you just love to troll and don't have a life, or you're really a piece of garbage in real life if this is what you actually believe and how you talk to others.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #835 on: May 22, 2020, 07:55:15 PM »

Holy effen moly. My marriage is a sham ! I’m tappin out of this thread until it gets back to fishin.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #836 on: May 22, 2020, 08:05:13 PM »

Holy effen moly. My marriage is a sham ! I’m tappin out of this thread until it gets back to fishin.

I gave you a fair and honest reply and that's the best you can do. Come on...and I never said your marriage was a sham, nor did I imply it.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #837 on: May 22, 2020, 08:18:33 PM »

along with accusation of plagiarism is what I find offensive

How on earth could I accuse you of plagiarism? The bible is public domain. What are you talking about?

2. the sense of turning a conversation/debate into an argument.
3. "The only one winning is the one who wants to destroy all that is good"....My reference to Satan.

You're back tracking what you said.
2.Whether or not the conversation is a debate or argument is up to the person posting. I've kept civil and truthful in this topic. Remember....I didn't call you an idiot....other way around.
3. Your reference to Satan was basically insinuating that me and Aboater are helping Satan's by 'over witnessing'....and again.... 'over witnessing' doesn't even exist in scripture.

4. Finally, there's a big difference between witnessing with zeal and preaching. Witnessing is just that. To inform personal experiences to those unsaved....Preaching is the continuation to further educate those brought into the fold.

Witnessing and preaching can accomplish the same thing. Most pastors know there are unbelievers in their pews when they preach. Do you truly believe that no ones been saved listening to a sermon...because that is basically what you are saying.

Witnessing is just that. To inform personal experiences to those unsaved

Witnessing without proclaiming the gospel is no different than people sitting around at a AA meeting. Witnessing is MORE than just informing experiences to those who are unsaved. A person who doesn't know Jesus must have the gospel proclaimed to them to understand what it means to have their sins forgiven and how Jesus' death and resurrection brings them eternal life. You can't be saved if you don't understand who Jesus is and what He did at the cross. If you leave the proclaiming of the gospel out of better than an AA meeting.

l...since when did it become bad to take words from the book to convey a personal feeling to someone in a way that is comprehensible?

If it agrees with scripture, then it is fine.....if it gets changed, twisted, or added to resulting in scripture being contradicted (which is what your elder did), then it is a false teaching. They teach you that on Day 1 in bible school. I really don't think you get it. A Christian cannot teach someone that there is such thing as over witnessing/over proclaiming the gospel. Such a thing does not exist and contradicts scripture. You can't do that. I can't wake up every morning and wake your neighbor and beat him over the head with your bible, but that is NOT what we are talking about here.

You forget the original context of the bible was written in Hebrew and Armaic and there are those who think the translation to English is sub par. So please take time to get off your high horse and realize your views doesn't relate to everyone.

The truth is that those who think the translation to English is subpar have problems with what the bible teaches....not the translation itself.
Now whos twisting words? I'm not on a high horse and these aren't just my views. What I'm saying is the most widely accepted conservative Christian position on what we've been discussing. The same stuff is taught at every conservative bible school out no...they aren't just MY views.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #838 on: May 22, 2020, 08:20:50 PM »

lol... either you just love to troll and don't have a life, or you're really a piece of garbage in real life if this is what you actually believe and how you talk to others.

I shouldn't respond, but I usually have a pretty good idea when someone is thinking these things over.
The invitation for coffee or fishing is always open if you want....


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #839 on: May 22, 2020, 08:36:30 PM »

Anyways....back to fishing. There is nice weather coming next week and I'm trying to decide which lake(s) to pick.
If anyone is concerned about Covid-19, there is some good news.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 09:22:37 PM by Robert_G »