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Author Topic: "Fishing" Observations today and touchly feely post  (Read 6068 times)


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"Fishing" Observations today and touchly feely post
« on: August 28, 2014, 10:14:40 PM »

Long time forum reader but I rarely post...

I typically stay away from bouncing for socks as it really brings out the worst in terms of fisherman as they aren't prepared to share/care with people that are just excited to bring home a fish- plus let's face it, its not for everyone, especially me as I'm more comfortable tossing chum roe into a smaller river. Lot's of heat in a forum for sure about this "fishery" but the reality is, people are attracted to bringing home fish. Flame on if you want to judge in this post.

Regardless! Yesterday and today I threw led off a gravel bar and was really impressed by the people that were out, today especially. Specifically this is a call out to "Chad" then when a older asian man had a sock hook up in some roots helped me recover his fish others could of been impatient. Not only did this person help out in regards to communication (loudly) to the bar "this man has been here all day, let's help him out" but stopped him (the asian elderly guy) from making a dangerous attempt to scale down a steep 12 foot incline. Chad spoke two languages and explained to other around that we could all work as a team to recover his fish would really make his day.

Short story is yes the fish was recovered by myself with a net and (maybe with more guts than brains) more importantly this brings up the topic of communication.

About 20 people not only waiting for the fish (that would of died for not) by not casting so it could be recovered off the roots but people high fived the senior after the full net was passed to him- even folks that typically never would. The man shock hands with everyone- and I mean everyone with high fives all around.

Can comments like this be duplicated on a mass scale? Well no and I think we know that- but think hard next time you can make a situation right and a "wow" moment instead of supporting an aggressive call out.

As more people get involved in the sport whether it be Stave, Cap, Cheddar, Chiver or even sand bars close to where I live in or stocked lakes with the kiddies let's always remember a few things:

- everyone screws up, I've been fishingr for most of my life and I do this as much as I succeed
- help others, being a dink only makes YOU feel worse at that moment
- it's called fishing not "catching", if you lose a fish well as my paps used to say: "you didn't bring a fish with you to the water so really you didn't lose anything",  more than 50% of the time I don't catch fish when I'm tossing bait and it sucks but ... meh
- don't be afraid to share best bets but don't dictate and demand protocol

Hat's off to the folks I talked to and got to know over the last few days- while I'm definitely done for bouncing this year (a guy can only take so much of THAT! lol), I will say it sure makes for a better experience when everyone is a little more patient to help those that need it and just want to have a good time.

Looking forward to the fall and tight lines folks,

« Last Edit: August 28, 2014, 11:18:04 PM by Rodney »


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Re: "Fishing" Observations today and touchly feely post
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2014, 10:40:34 PM »

Well said...
I've met many friendly people this year while bouncing for socks.
Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught.


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Re: "Fishing" Observations today and touchly feely post
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2014, 11:09:19 PM »

I couldn't agree more that is much better to help and share knowledge than to be aggressive and snarky. It is tuff not to get mad though when someone repeatedly doesn't watch where they cast and hooks your line 4 or 5 times in a row, or takes your spot when you need to retie after a snag.The first few times I ask politely for the person to watch where others' lines are, but sometimes they just don't care.My father has been fishing all his life and now he is getting old and has had a heart attack and doesn't move too quick and isn't as stable on his feet for wading in current any more.The last two times out, he quit because of people taking his spot or crowding him and wading so far out below him that he couldn't safely cast anymore.I just wish everyone could just be polite,ask if they want a spot,and be observant of others' lines.

Fish Assassin

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Re: "Fishing" Observations today and touchly feely post
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2014, 11:19:45 PM »

Good post


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Re: "Fishing" Observations today and touchly feely post
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2014, 07:53:57 PM »

Couldn't agree more.  This is my first year bouncing for socks, and wasn't sure if I was going to try it at all because of all the horror stories I've heard. Been out three times and everyone I have met has been awesome. Wasn't sure about bringing my kids to the river after hearing of fights and what not, but took them to scale bar and they had a blast.


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Re: "Fishing" Observations today and touchly feely post
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2014, 10:45:28 PM »

I have had a blast sock fishing over the last 2 weeks and have met a few great guys out on the river.


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Re: "Fishing" Observations today and touchly feely post
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2014, 12:05:19 PM »

Had a feel good moment on Peg Leg the day before the bar shifted. Guy above me had a fish hooked onto another guys line, they guided it together right into a snag. Started yelling at each other, my buddy and myself stepped in and calmed them down. I proceeded to wade out to my waist, unhook the fish from the snag and bring it to the bank. Where i was met with high fives from a few guys around and a big hand shake from the guy who originally hooked the fish. Bottom bouncing only gets out of hand when the crap is met with more crap. There are good people out there ;D


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Re: "Fishing" Observations today and touchly feely post
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2014, 02:07:15 PM »

I have to believe the decent fishermen out number the idiots. So when something goes awry we as a group need to speak up. The idiots do what they want because no one says anything to them.

Good post OP.


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Re: "Fishing" Observations today and touchly feely post
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2014, 02:48:53 PM »

The last time I fished the Chilliwack above Tamihi bridge I ran into a couple of characters who tried crowd me. I being fishing a run since daylight and about an hr. later along comes these guys. There is about 10- 15ft between the person above stream and the same for the guy below me.  They step in above me and below me. I am using my center-pin and a  ten and half rod. Caught their attention  when my rod appeared in front of their face. I am an agressive fisherman but I also respect other people's space. I showed them my space and told them there was no room there for them. They got the message and left but that kind thing should never have happened. I don't know what I would do if some one waded out below me and cut me off from my part of the river. I am glad I don't come across that living here on Vancouver Island.


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Re: "Fishing" Observations today and touchly feely post
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2014, 03:12:51 PM »

Real fishermen do not snag.


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Re: "Fishing" Observations today and touchly feely post
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2014, 03:33:45 PM »

I am continually amazed at the stories of bad and aggressive behavior on the Fraser bars by sockeye harvesters.  My experience is that most folks are friendly and cooperative with only the occasional aggressive person who pushes in unreasonably or insists that his approach is the 'right' way.  The other day it was like a beach party with everybody laughing and bantering with folks cheering and clapping when a fish came loose and resulted in a great splashing fuss in the shallow water.  There is a reason it is the most popular river event.

I have had far more bad experiences on the Chilliwack where people get very testy about 'their' space.  My worst experience was on the Squamish where I was reamed out by a jerk who thought he owned the river and was upset because we low holed him.  We must have been 400 yards below him. 


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Re: "Fishing" Observations today and touchly feely post
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2014, 10:16:35 PM »

Newbie here.  Just wanted to chime in on the large amounts of mono littered on every bar I've fished at this past week.  4 different bars with tons of flossers.  I'm all for catching our limit.  What really pisses my family off is all the leftover mono and braid scattered everywhere. What's worse are the hooks that my wife was collecting off the bars.  How would you like to have your dog or child hooked by one of these stray hooks by some irresponsible SOB! 

The last 2 outings, I literally starting  picking up the lines and hooks as I was looking for a spot to fish.  I starting yelling out why can't people PACK OUT WHAT THEY PACK IN.  You should have seen the looks I got from the fisherman.  Majority chose to be ignorant while a few flipped me the bird or told me to **** off.  The four of us continued our clean up.

I hope everyone will do there part when they're out on the bar to educate greenies and also pick up what they see on the bar.  We hauled out 2-3 sandwich bags full of garbage lines at every outing between the 4 of us.  Bless my wife for having the balls to continue picking out the garbage lines behind harvesters after they casually toss their bird nests and broken leaders.



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Re: "Fishing" Observations today and touchly feely post
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2014, 10:53:20 AM »

Newbie here.  Just wanted to chime in on the large amounts of mono littered on every bar I've fished at this past week.  4 different bars with tons of flossers.  I'm all for catching our limit.  What really pisses my family off is all the leftover mono and braid scattered everywhere. What's worse are the hooks that my wife was collecting off the bars.  How would you like to have your dog or child hooked by one of these stray hooks by some irresponsible SOB! 

The last 2 outings, I literally starting  picking up the lines and hooks as I was looking for a spot to fish.  I starting yelling out why can't people PACK OUT WHAT THEY PACK IN.  You should have seen the looks I got from the fisherman.  Majority chose to be ignorant while a few flipped me the bird or told me to **** off.  The four of us continued our clean up.

I hope everyone will do there part when they're out on the bar to educate greenies and also pick up what they see on the bar.  We hauled out 2-3 sandwich bags full of garbage lines at every outing between the 4 of us.  Bless my wife for having the balls to continue picking out the garbage lines behind harvesters after they casually toss their bird nests and broken leaders.

A lot of these lines with hooks on them were broken off in the water. Now that the river has dropped 3 or 4 feet, they are exposed above the water line. 
Yelling at people fishing is like walking down the street yelling at pedestrians because there is garbage on the street.  Most of them are innocent.
I pickup line on the beach every time I am out fishing. It is just what I do when I need a break from fishing.

I agree with the OP, most people are out having a good time and are very appreciative of help.  We have had a lot of laughs with people we have never met before.  I helped a fellow from Coquitlam or Poco (I forget),  land a spring ( I netted it) and got 2 big hugs.  A while later we sat down and had a nice visit.