Fishing in British Columbia > Members' Fishing Reports

Nothing at the Cap May 22nd:'(

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Trout Slayer:
Any fly-guys out there?

it's really frustrating when you know the coho are in the area you're fishing but can't get them.  Even if you throw your whole arsenal at them.  this has happened many times.  For instance,  today I saw nobody catch anything and there were like 10 fishermen out there.

Fish Assassin:

--- Quote from: gmanfxp on May 23, 2004, 04:21:37 PM ---
--- Quote from: Fish Assassin on May 23, 2004, 11:32:42 AM ---
--- End quote ---

Which is what I did today and what I didn't want to do yesterday, I was quite happy staying where I was for 5 hours.  If that somehow offends you suck it up and keep it to yourself.

--- End quote ---

Doesn't offend me in the least ! If you want to stay in one spot for 5 hours and get skunked, it's your right. I was just offering some advice.

any rappelers in this forum? i found a spot that is full of coho swimming in a holding pattern, but is walled in by sheer cliffs and no trails. i thought it might be fun to rappel down approx 200 feet to the water, tie off the rappel rack and drop an fly line in the water.
landing the fish might be interesting, but hey no crowds, and lotsa fish.

and idea of fun is getting lost in the wilderness and trying to find my way out. or rappeling the chief on a full moon, with just a glowstick to mark the ground, or night hiking the deeks lake trail back to cypress.   ;D

Well Otto today would have been your day. There were about ten guys swimming the Cap.My dog thought I had planned a swimming party for her.She didn't now whether to join them or retrieve one of them.
  Was my first time fishing the upper Cap.Spent an hour or so checking out the hatchery and scouting out places where I could safely fish with my four legged fishing partner.
  Saw a bunch of guys fishing in different spots,cable pool,dog leg.I saw a couple of guys chucking feathers at dog leg.Saw no fish landed but one guy had one on for a short play date and that always keeps you there for aleast forty or fifty more Last Cast.Myself ,I only had a couple of good strikes but nothing to show for it.
   Next time I'll fish the other side of the river and maybe meet some of the regulars to this location from FWR. Anyway, hound and I had a great outing and hope to return a couple more times in the coming weeks.
By the way ,does anyone know what time the gate opens in the AM.

Thanks and tight lines


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