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Author Topic: The Journal, A 2 Cast Fish And Much more.  (Read 2402 times)

chris gadsden

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The Journal, A 2 Cast Fish And Much more.
« on: November 05, 2019, 07:59:15 PM »

Welcome to The Journal on Fishing with Rod, your top fishing web site and forum for fishing information, videos, discussing conservation issues, fishing tips, tall tails and much more. Wow it is a long time since I have typed that, actually I forgot what words I used to welcome you to The Journal.

It seems I donot have time to write a story of my fishing trips and other adventures since I started writing it 2002, when I first met Rod when he was just starting out with this forum, how things have changed in the last 17 years. I was around 60 years old then. Of course I did not have a u tube channel or FB then that I now tell and show my adventures in film and pictures. I still have not learned how to post pictures on this forum. ::) ??? :o

It has been a good fishing year on some fronts including the Chilliwack Vedder River for coho salmon but our opportunities have certainly taken a backward step due to the poor returns on that body of water due to several issues, some donot make sense like a ban on trout fishing. Of course the slide at Big Bar on the Fraser did not help, I visted the site a couple of weeks ago while deer hunting in the area.

The Fraser Valley Salmon Society that Fred Helmer Jr and I started in 1984 that many of you may not know that gave us a lot of salmon fishing opportunity but we are back to square 1 again. THe FVSS will become more active starting soon that we started a couple of months ago with the Demo Fishery at Island 22. We of course are all for conservation but we feel FOC is not doing the job they are mandated to do. and

Besides the demo fishery we and our FVSS president Dean Werk wrote a number of letters to get the chinook jack salmon open on the Thompson River this fall. This run is very strong in August and September. A lot of people thought we would not succed but our letter writing campaign did pay off and we had a 10 day opening and the fishing was great. Many of us enjoyed it once again.

To be continued as very tired as we spend a haf day doing a story with CBC TV on the homeless camp on the Chilliwack River. It should run tomorrow at 6.

chris gadsden

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Re: The Journal, A 2 Cast Fish And Much more.
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2019, 02:37:11 PM »

The camp on Sweltzer Creek has taken so much of my time I have been negligent in completing the Journal, some of you may have followed all the media attention it has garnered.

The good news it was all all cleaned up last Friday as the recent rain would have made the creek unassessable by foot so the cleanup crew would have needed a boat or something else to get the work done. Also the occupants would have be stranded if they were not moved out. The latest.

I have forgotten what I all I was going to write buso will have to make it short. I had not fished the Vedder River much this year and got enough fish to can from the 10 day opening on the Thompson this year, what a great fishery it is as the scenery is hard to beat, the sound of the roaring Thompson through the Jaws of Death and the smell of sage make the long drive worthwhile and of course selling Joiner Corn at Lytton helps the expenses, especially with the high gas prices this year.
So late in the season I ventures out to the Vedder Canal area, only 5 minutes from home.

A chap is BB ing for fish and was landing chum after chum with his small corky as the lure of choice, on close inspection the large mouthed chum were caught in the hinge area. I moved on, not wanting to spoil my short time before it was dark.Seeing this is hard on the blood pressure.

Of course this activity effects our fishing opportunity on the Fraser River.

"Thank you for your correspondence of September 15, 2019 regarding pink salmon management measures.

Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) recognizes that challenges are being faced by all who depend on the Pacific salmon resource for their sustenance, livelihood and recreation. The Department works with all harvest sectors to improve the management of the fishery to meet conservation objectives and achieve fishery objectives.

The Department’s Allocation Policy for Pacific Salmon (the Policy) establishes clear priorities for fisheries management. The Policy confirms that the primary objective in fisheries management is the conservation of Pacific salmon stocks, followed by government obligations to provide harvest opportunities for First Nations food, social and ceremonial (FSC) requirements and treaty obligations.

The Policy encourages selective fishing, and DFO appreciates the recreational fishing community’s efforts to support and promote any selective fishing measures that reduce impacts on non-target species.

Recreational fishing for pink salmon upstream of Mission has remained closed primarily because in this area “bottoming bouncing” or “flossing” has been common, and this practice can result in the interception of sockeye. Given the extremely low returns of sockeye to the Fraser River this year, and very high level of conservation concern, such impacts are not something that could be accommodated this season.

While a leader restriction could reduce impacts to sockeye, the recreational sector has expressed mixed support in the past. Regulatory changes, which involve a lengthy process, would be required for DFO to implement such restrictions.

Beach seining has been permitted to enable harvest of chinook and pink salmon for First Nations FSC purposes. Sockeye retention has not been permitted in these fisheries, and the release mortality rate for sockeye and coho is low.

The opportunity for recreational pink fishing downstream from Mission closed September 20, 2019, as the steelhead window closure came into effect in that area on September 21, 2019. The steelhead window closure provides a high degree of protection for steelhead migrating up the Fraser River, with closures of commercial and recreational fisheries for 42 days over the peak of the steelhead return. First Nations FSC chum fisheries will also be constrained, with 27-day closures in effect.

To protect the resource, we also need the public’s help. If you see suspicious activity or believe an offence has occurred, please contact the Observe, Record and Report line at 1-800-465-4336 or email

As you are aware, the SFAB represents recreational fishing interests to the DFO on areas of concern to the recreational fishing community. I encourage you to continue to engage with the SFAB for further discussion of these issues.

Thank you for writing.

Yours sincerely,

Rebecca Reid

Regional Director General

Pacific Region"

Of course a few of us including FishForever said that many years ago that flossing would come back to haunt us.

Anyway I move away from the BB chap and walk down river a bit. I have about 10 minutes of fishing time left and not thinking I would have much chance of a fish, but on the second cast the float dips I do not put much effort in setting the hook but I do indeed have a fish on, not much chance of a clipped coho salmon I think.

And darn it most likely will fall off anyway as I said I did not set the hook very well. I fight the fish for a couple of minutes before I have to work it up stream, about 150 yards or so to the gravel bar above me. As I carefully bring it upstream I see it is a bright hatchery coho salmon of about 5 pounds looks like a nice doe too.

I finally reach the exposed gravel bar and slide the silvery coho doe ashore, maybe my only 6th or 7th coho salmon of the season a banner year for most but I am still satisfied with fresh fish for supper.

I leave for home as it now too late to walk down to the hot spot, of course maybe I would only need a third cast to add to my total that probably was my shortest fishing trip ever, leaving the BB who continues to land more chum salmon to his enjoyment I guess it is.

Watch for the next Journal when I describe my first Steelhead of the coming season. I am sure it will take more than one cast to accomplish the same feat as it will be for most of us.

Don't forget to enter the Wall Hall Jr. Memorial Steelhead Derby. Tickets are available at Fred's Custom Tackle, now or soon. I think the derby usually starts Dec. 1. Money raised goes to habitat work on our much loved Chilliwack Vedder River.

Thanks for reading The Journal, on Fishing with Rod.