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Author Topic: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season  (Read 210531 times)


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #360 on: March 23, 2020, 10:15:49 AM »

I know that feeling of horror when doors open. One place I do is a residential building with etched concrete that gets a yearly application of urethane. I have to do it in the daytime as there's  too much traffic. I had a woman slip and fall on wet finish. Thank heavens  for liability insurance although the buildings insurance not mine covered it. Funny  how she was so hurt she couldn't stand up but 3 days later she went out and bought a new motorcycle and was riding all the time.. She also claimed her car was broken into  3 times in the underground  parking lot.  Hers was the only one. Just before  Christmas I did the Lee building. It was Vancouver's first high rise at 6 stories. I had people swearing up a storm at me, slumping through the  slurry, the wet wax or totally ignoring me. One guy started yelling at me and called me a"retaded janitor" working for minimum wage. I made $4500 for 4 six hour days. I'll take those minimum wage jobs all day long.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #361 on: March 23, 2020, 01:24:04 PM »

I know that feeling of horror when doors open. One place I do is a residential building with etched concrete that gets a yearly application of urethane. I have to do it in the daytime as there's  too much traffic. I had a woman slip and fall on wet finish. Thank heavens  for liability insurance although the buildings insurance not mine covered it. Funny  how she was so hurt she couldn't stand up but 3 days later she went out and bought a new motorcycle and was riding all the time.. She also claimed her car was broken into  3 times in the underground  parking lot.  Hers was the only one. Just before  Christmas I did the Lee building. It was Vancouver's first high rise at 6 stories. I had people swearing up a storm at me, slumping through the  slurry, the wet wax or totally ignoring me. One guy started yelling at me and called me a"retaded janitor" working for minimum wage. I made $4500 for 4 six hour days. I'll take those minimum wage jobs all day long.
I hear ya ! People can be so nice or in between or be jerks & cons.
See you got the cream for your hard work. Happy for you.
Me was going thru a bad 1st marriage ( love/hate relationship ...but wish her the best ) so I was a sub contractor.
Definitely worked like a slave for near slave wages...but no one held a gun to my head.
At least it paid my mortgage & food & basically not much left after that.
But I'm a millionaire compared to 90% of the world's population which live in poverty.
Stay safe distancing & wash hands wash hands wash hands.... :)


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #362 on: March 24, 2020, 07:22:48 AM »

Yes, agree.  Things are crazy.  Wife read about a girl who had this, had seemed to get through the bad part and was starting to feel better, enough she had made plans to hang out with her boyfriend later in the day.  He texted her a couple times a couple hours later but got no response and went to check on her and she was dead on her floor.  So it can fool you and turn around and just take you out when you think you are through with it.  Just scary.

Hearing it might take 4-6 months of isolating before we are through this which will mean we won't get back to hockey and can just hope it doesn't go into next season.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #363 on: March 24, 2020, 09:26:24 AM »

So since I have a couple minutes, I am an Actuary.  When people don't know what that is, I tell them we are the math nerds behind insurance.  My job is to take all of the money my company has set aside for claims, project each policy holder forward for the next 50 years and make sure that we have enough set aside now plus premium being paid plus investment income to make sure we will have enough to pay the benefits we are obligated to pay.  I am testing in the realm of $200 billion in starting money set aside.  My wife and kids laugh listening to some of my conference calls because routinely they hear "Oh, it is less than $10 million, I don't care."  I have been involved in mistakes that cost the company $150 million.  I have been involved in decisions that have cost the company $800 million.  Both of those are money we have to set aside now, we will be able to release it sometime in the future but not sure when, might be 50+ years.

I live all day in spreadsheets and on conference calls as my team does most of the actual running of the models and I am just reviewing and discussing with management.  It can be very very stressful.  I have employees all over the globe, some in Nashville with me, some in Houston, New York area, California, India, have had some in China, Phillipines, etc.  It is high stress, high reward.  It is why I used to enjoy going home and going fishing with my dad during breaks to help unwind.  Those days seem to be done now though as it has been probably 5 years since I last went fishing with him.  It just sucks.

Anyway, that is a bit about me.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #364 on: March 24, 2020, 10:28:42 AM »

Tell ya one thing I would of been fired if I cost the building maint. co. $150 million.  :o
TNA you have quite the job. Stressful. Must be.
Actuary. Learn something every day.
Hope ya deal in cash when paying out.. (Ha!)
And have a very very very very good internet protection.
Hackers getting in & stealing $$$$ or hackers freezing your computers & ya have to pay $$$ to them to unfreeze....
There's another scary thing to worry about.
ID theft & all that goes with it.....

Hope you are feeling better yourself from cold or whatever. Nashville folks have tornado damage ,no hockey & now this virus. Suffering plus.

China if info is factual has less & less cases & they used social distancing. Even welded the doors shut in some buildings. Think we Canadians are heeding the message. In my bike ride yesterday was talking to a few people for about 20 minutes & we kept a 6ft distance ...but one lady coughed a few times but she said she has asthma plus got some dust in her lungs when cleaning. But hey who knows? When a person coughs am I going to trust it's not Covid 19 ?
So far I've come across 3 people that really were coughing ALOT. 2 when biking for exercise...(did not count this lady as she just coughed 2-3  small coughs in 20 minutes)  and 1 was a cashier. She coughed 3-4 times ( dry cough ) 

The bad thing is this Covid-19 virus can last so long on surfaces. If ya buy oranges what if someone coughed or sneezed on them? at the store.
That virus can be active on the peel for 48 hrs possibly.
Or bananas maybe leave the fruit for two days before eating it. Or was fruit with peels in soapy bleach water.
The scary part is we cannot see where it is. Invisible enemy.

So we touch handles door knobs grocery basket handles / shopping carts so on & then rub around our face as we have an itch  & presto....virus enters thru mouth nose eyes.
Before I go into any store/ pizza shop etc I put sanitizer on hands before & after ...
Just started to gargle a bit of strong mouth wash also after coming out of stores.

A lady doctor & her husband doctor who work at a Toronto hospital watched (her) 77 yr old dad die from the virus.
 He was very healthy & put his daughter thru university etc...but he went to the UK recently & returned ...shortly after he got sick.
Think he lasted only 1 week.

100s dying daily in Europe if not 1000s
Buy a sailboat & load it with whatever peanuts walnuts porridge vit. C sup. & go off & anchor somewhere.
Have internet/ radio and after things get better ...return to port.

There's a book ...The Great Influenza
It tells of the flu in 1918-19.
Lasted 18 months world wide.
50-100 million died.
They had parades while it was happening wonder it spread.
Stay safe folks.
Watch youtube hockey.

Sadly this virus even if ya get better it damages the lung tissue so it may cause permanent damage.
Some are saying it's the Matthew 24 times. Talks about pestilences one sign.
Or 1 of the 4 horsemen riding to earth ( Book of Revelations ) the pale horse talks about a  "death" ( virus) & famine...
1 of of 4 dying.
Myself am hopeful this will turn around soon hopefully in next 2-3 months max.
Let's try to social distance & try not to go to store too often.
Hope it does not spread to military or submarines ...if military personnel gets sick it just may tempt another country to launch an attack.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2020, 12:56:54 PM by A-BOATER »


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #365 on: March 24, 2020, 10:41:38 AM »

Yeah, I work for a very big company that has all sorts of protections.  It isn't just cash sitting in a bank account, it has bought bonds, real estate, other investments.  It is where all the assumptions come in where things get really complicated.  How will people pay premium lapse their policy, pay extra, die, etc.  It all gets really complicated.  Then you add in what the assets will do, which ones will default, for mortgages, which ones will pay early.  Which bonds will exercise their call option and when.  What rate will they earn.  And that is just scratching the surface.  It can be quite a lot.

Fish Assassin

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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #366 on: March 24, 2020, 02:50:40 PM »

Clearly there are a lot of people who choose to ignore social distancing. You see it practically ererywhere. It's disgusting to see all those college students frolicking on the beach in Florida or the people jamming the parks the past weather.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #367 on: March 24, 2020, 05:04:37 PM »

Clearly there are a lot of people who choose to ignore social distancing. You see it practically ererywhere. It's disgusting to see all those college students frolicking on the beach in Florida or the people jamming the parks the past weather.
100 x !
Very very well said.
College students...let's eat drink and party What virus ?


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #368 on: March 25, 2020, 07:14:15 AM »

Agree as well.  Although college students feeling invincible is nothing new.  They haven't been shown to be the brightest bunch of people.  They don't learn street smarts until they get out, if they ever do.

Wife and I were discussing NY last night.  It doesn't surprise me that they are having such a hard time of it.  So many people shoved into such a tiny space.  Everyone living in apartments where all you need is someone to have gotten into the elevator before you and coughed, or maybe pushed a button or opened a door and you are now sick.  So many people together on the subway, buses, walking down the street.  It really is just a disaster waiting to happen.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #369 on: March 25, 2020, 01:47:45 PM »

Prince Charles , Mrs Trudeau ( PM wife. ) entertainers...Harvey Weinstein ( ex Hollywood boss ) have got it. Many many doctors nurses etc..have wide.
A local dentist went to a convention not so long ago...he died yesterday I believe it was.
Care aid wkrs on call & needing $$$ overtime double time pay) are working 2 shifts & going to dif. senior homes.
Result is care aids getting sick and virus spreading to old people in the facility.
Philippines I understand will be soon on lock down. No domestic planes or travelling city to town or town to city..stay in house.
Yes FA you may need to get refund as Lions season may be toast.
Yes TNA you are so correct in other section comments.
Elevators ...sneezing on food packages or produce or door knobs /handles...dam virus lives on any surface 2-3-4 or so days !!! Gee ya get home with groceries ...and possibly the banana peels are full of corona virus...wkr has virus on hands /gloves as he stocks ...or customer 's cough or sneeze.
So we grab the banana ,peel it, get virus on our banana...rub our nose with finger or pick our nose ( ha) presto ...transmission.
Wash hands wash hands wash hands & sanitizer ....


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #370 on: March 26, 2020, 07:27:10 AM »

One of the girls that works for me is from the Philippines.  She said things there are going to be rough because all of the middles and upper classes have nannies to care for the kids, they all come from the poor villages every day.  So, the shut down is needed there but it might be too little too late.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #371 on: March 26, 2020, 04:49:58 PM »

One of the girls that works for me is from the Philippines.  She said things there are going to be rough because all of the middles and upper classes have nannies to care for the kids, they all come from the poor villages every day.  So, the shut down is needed there but it might be too little too late.
Heard that about 1/3 of the population is very very poor.
Nutrition not good / living conditions / can not afford to pay for doc or dentist so this group living in poor huts running would think it's conditions the virus can spread fast.
Crowded/ no sanitizer ...
Interesting times. Like a Hollywood Sci Fi fiction movie but we are in the movie.
We are the main actors.
Hope the movie ends well.

Stay safe TNA FA Nova Chris ( poor Chris he must be having a tough time not watching Leafs or going to get his Timmy H. coffee & going to the river ...) & all members & Rod/Nina family ...stay safe /keep well. Do not let your guard down. Wash hands wash hands ...I even gargled Listerine after coming out of store(s) & sanitizer before & after.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2020, 04:53:00 PM by A-BOATER »

Fish Assassin

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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #372 on: March 26, 2020, 08:00:09 PM »

Leaf's undefeated streak continues. Chris is so overjoyed with the performance of his team that he's seen on Keith Wilson bridge every night banging his pots and pans at another win.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #373 on: March 27, 2020, 07:35:35 AM »

Amazingly, the Preds won their game last night too.  We seem to win every game on TV these days.  It is a lot of fun.  I haven't checked the standings recently but we have to be getting close to first, right?

Everybody here that I know is still fine.  Couple of our friends lost their jobs, one temporarily, the other for good it seems.  Know that makes it tough.  The one that lost her job though is a nurse so figure she should be able to get a job during all this, just might be very high risk.


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Re: 2019-2020 NHL Hockey season
« Reply #374 on: March 29, 2020, 03:57:50 PM »

Maybe if we all yell at a planned time in every state/province... "Get outta here Covid-19 are not welcomed...go away NOW .
Maybe it will flee  ::)
Only if that would work.
Dust off fishing poles , watch hockey football ...go in public again ...