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Author Topic: Don't Mess With Texas  (Read 20544 times)


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Re: Don't Mess With Texas
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2009, 02:34:17 PM »

Clearly, nobody is going to have an epiphany much less reconsider their position for even a moment as a result of this discussion so I'm done with it :)

Thanks for sharing your perspective HW.


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Re: Don't Mess With Texas
« Reply #16 on: December 11, 2009, 03:23:00 PM »

In Switzerland it [NO crime because every household...had several guns] worked very well for over 800 years, along time during which people had nothing to fear be that from criminals, politicians or foreign invaders.

Correlation (noun):  a relation existing between phenomena or things or between mathematical or statistical variables which tend to vary, be associated, or occur together in a way not expected on the basis of chance alone

Causation (noun): the act or process of causing

Just because two things are both occuring at the same time (ie. they're correlated), doesn't automatically mean that one caused the other.  There could very well be other influences.  Example: just because the Swiss experienced low crime rates and they also possessed guns, doesn't imply that one was a result of the other.



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    • Othmar Vohringer Outdoors
Re: Don't Mess With Texas
« Reply #17 on: December 11, 2009, 04:40:57 PM »

Correlation (noun):  a relation existing between phenomena or things or between mathematical or statistical variables which tend to vary, be associated, or occur together in a way not expected on the basis of chance alone

Causation (noun): the act or process of causing

Just because two things are both occuring at the same time (ie. they're correlated), doesn't automatically mean that one caused the other.  There could very well be other influences.  Example: just because the Swiss experienced low crime rates and they also possessed guns, doesn't imply that one was a result of the other.


That's your opinion and I can respect that. However, I do a lot of research on the subject and found everywhere that when people are permitted to defend themselves with lethal force violent crime goes down drastically. That was so in the state of Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas and many other U.S. state where the "Castle Law" has been introduced.  Conversely, U.S. states that have a gun ban such as Washington DC, Illinois, New York to mention a few, the crime rate is out of control.

As marmot pointed out this discussion could go on like that forever without common consensus. There are those who think that guns do not belong in the hands of law abiding people and that we should trust the state to protect us. Then there are those, like me, who believe that people have an inherent God given right to take the law into their own hands in order to protect lives and possessions.
Othmar Vohringer - Smart Hunting Strategies (SHS)


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Re: Don't Mess With Texas
« Reply #18 on: December 12, 2009, 03:14:43 PM »

Fair enough, HW, as you and marmot said we have our own opinions and the right to express them - one right that I definitely DO believe in.  ;)

Tex - always willing to hear the views of others


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Re: Don't Mess With Texas
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2009, 01:25:37 AM »

wow, i just read this thread...unbelievable.

so now it's ok to shoot a man in the back 6 times and call it justifiable for purse snatching? even by the woman's accounts the man grabbed her purse and ran away ...he didn't hit or brandish any weapons or threaten her in any way... he grabbed her purse (which caused her to lose her balance) and RAN.

how much did he take? $50 ? 100 ? 500 ? 1000? regardless,  if he would have got caught by the cops, he definitely would have been given some jail time... BUT, do you guys really believe his crime would have constituted the death penalty?

the law in America govern over each individual state... if the states' attorney decides to make an appeal to the Supreme Courts you can bet your gunslingin' my friend... they would over turn her acquittal and charge her with murder.

her own sworn statement proves her actions to be premeditated.



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Re: Don't Mess With Texas
« Reply #20 on: December 29, 2009, 12:23:08 PM »

Watched a NatGeo show the other day about guns in America.

There are something like 30 states where a concealed carry of a handgun is allowed.

Was talking to a fellow from Minnesota in the summer about a dangerous neighbourhood squabble and he said he would have felt better at home as he always carries a pistol (he was not involved in the fight but was considering intervening if the fight escalated).



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Re: Don't Mess With Texas
« Reply #21 on: December 29, 2009, 05:19:22 PM »

As marmot pointed out this discussion could go on like that forever without common consensus. There are those who think that guns do not belong in the hands of law abiding people and that we should trust the state to protect us. Then there are those, like me, who believe that people have an inherent God given right to take the law into their own hands in order to protect lives and possessions.

Thought I was done with this until I was slotted into a category in which I just don't fit...HW you assume that you can break people into these two categories but you're way off.  I have no problem whatsoever taking the law into my own hands if it means protecting my family or myself.  NONE.  My problem is with people who think that giving people of less than average intelligence access to concealed firearms is a good thing.  Arming the general public is such a huge mistake when all that needs to be done to rid the criminals of their weapons is just GIVE THE LAWS SOME TEETH.  Get caught committing a crime with an unregistered firearm even if nobody was hurt?  LONG jail term.  It is VERY easy to NOT have an illegal handgun.  I don't have one.  It's simple.  I just didn't buy or borrow one.  For something so simple to avoid, punish the F$#% out of people who seem to think they are above the law. 

I agree blaydRnr.  Premeditated murder over a purse, plain and simple.  Yeah the guy was probably not a good guy... but I'd be more worried about the woman who shot him over a purse....


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Re: Don't Mess With Texas
« Reply #22 on: January 17, 2010, 08:33:52 AM »

If there were more people like this woman there would be less people like the thief.   :D Its that simple for me. We should all be able to defend ourselves to the fullest against any personal attacks. The only one you can count on is yourself in a situation like this. Cops are useless until they are there to take a statement. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.  ;)

chris gadsden

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Re: Don't Mess With Texas
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2010, 06:53:21 PM »

Only in Texas my friends...Only in Texas .....

A lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by a sheriff's deputy.

He thinks that he is smarter than the deputy because he is a lawyer from New York

and is certain that he has a better education then any cop from Houston , TX .

He decides to prove this to himself and have some fun at the Texas deputy's expense.

The deputy says, "License and registration, please."

"What for?" says the lawyer....

The deputy says, "You didn't come to a complete stop at the stop sign."

Then the lawyer says, "I slowed down, and no one was coming."

"You still didn't come to a complete stop," says the deputy. "License and registration, please.."

The lawyer says, "What's the difference?"

"The difference is you have to come to complete stop, that's the law.

License and registration, please!" the Deputy repeats.

Lawyer says, "If you can show me the legal difference between slow down and stop,

I'll give you my license and registration; and you give me the ticket.

If not, you let me go and don't give me the ticket."

"That sounds fair. Please exit your vehicle, sir," the deputy says.

At this point, the deputy takes out his nightstick and starts

beating the daylights out of the lawyer and says,

"Do you want me to stop, or just slow down?"

slick vic

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Re: Don't Mess With Texas
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2010, 05:45:55 AM »

Only in Texas my friends...Only in Texas .....

A lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by a sheriff's deputy.

He thinks that he is smarter than the deputy because he is a lawyer from New York

and is certain that he has a better education then any cop from Houston , TX .

He decides to prove this to himself and have some fun at the Texas deputy's expense.

The deputy says, "License and registration, please."

"What for?" says the lawyer....

The deputy says, "You didn't come to a complete stop at the stop sign."

Then the lawyer says, "I slowed down, and no one was coming."

"You still didn't come to a complete stop," says the deputy. "License and registration, please.."

The lawyer says, "What's the difference?"

"The difference is you have to come to complete stop, that's the law.

License and registration, please!" the Deputy repeats.

Lawyer says, "If you can show me the legal difference between slow down and stop,

I'll give you my license and registration; and you give me the ticket.

If not, you let me go and don't give me the ticket."

"That sounds fair. Please exit your vehicle, sir," the deputy says.

At this point, the deputy takes out his nightstick and starts

beating the daylights out of the lawyer and says,

"Do you want me to stop, or just slow down?"

ROFLMAO, is this a joke or a true story?  ;D

my ex-manager was from Texas, and he said everybody there's racist. Racist to people from outside texas.  lol



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Re: Don't Mess With Texas
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2010, 08:47:12 PM »

Only in Texas my friends...Only in Texas .....

A lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by a sheriff's deputy.

He thinks that he is smarter than the deputy because he is a lawyer from New York

and is certain that he has a better education then any cop from Houston , TX .

He decides to prove this to himself and have some fun at the Texas deputy's expense.

The deputy says, "License and registration, please."

"What for?" says the lawyer....

The deputy says, "You didn't come to a complete stop at the stop sign."

Then the lawyer says, "I slowed down, and no one was coming."

"You still didn't come to a complete stop," says the deputy. "License and registration, please.."

The lawyer says, "What's the difference?"

"The difference is you have to come to complete stop, that's the law.

License and registration, please!" the Deputy repeats.

Lawyer says, "If you can show me the legal difference between slow down and stop,

I'll give you my license and registration; and you give me the ticket.

If not, you let me go and don't give me the ticket."

"That sounds fair. Please exit your vehicle, sir," the deputy says.

At this point, the deputy takes out his nightstick and starts

beating the daylights out of the lawyer and says,

"Do you want me to stop, or just slow down?"

Now that is funning ;D

Bavarian Raven

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Re: Don't Mess With Texas
« Reply #26 on: July 17, 2010, 06:14:20 AM »

wow, i just read this thread...unbelievable.

so now it's ok to shoot a man in the back 6 times and call it justifiable for purse snatching? even by the woman's accounts the man grabbed her purse and ran away ...he didn't hit or brandish any weapons or threaten her in any way... he grabbed her purse (which caused her to lose her balance) and RAN.

how much did he take? $50 ? 100 ? 500 ? 1000? regardless,  if he would have got caught by the cops, he definitely would have been given some jail time... BUT, do you guys really believe his crime would have constituted the death penalty?

the law in America govern over each individual state... if the states' attorney decides to make an appeal to the Supreme Courts you can bet your gunslingin' ***... they would over turn her acquittal and charge her with murder.

her own sworn statement proves her actions to be premeditated.

u failed to miss the point that if he had been at home or at work or the such minding his own business he would still be alive and kicking. he choose to try and rob someone and paid the price with his life. its his fault. plain and simple. cant get any simpler then that.  ::)


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Re: Don't Mess With Texas
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2010, 01:33:42 PM »

I read a stat a few years ago that stated Canada has the highest rate of rehabilitation in their prisons than any other country in the world, what it meant was we have the lowest rate of people returning to prison after one stay than anywhere else, whereas the States puts a higher percentage of it's citizens in jail than any place else in the world, where do you feel safer, the slums in LA where there are basically "NO GO" areas depending on your race and everyone's packing a gun or East Hastings where you still got a fair chance of sneaking home if you happen to get distracted by intoxicants and lost. We aren't doing everything wrong north of the border, I don't believe purse snatching is a offence punishable by death, what happens when someone is peed off at her boyfriend pulls her little purse gun out shoots him in the back of the head and says OMG he grabbed my purse. BTW just to clarify I haven't been distracted by intoxicants on East Hastings in 30 or 40 years but it still looks the same driving through.