Fishing in British Columbia > Members' Fishing Reports

super low tide at tsawassen June 10th


sorry for this late post. was out with the little man last thursday around 10 am. tide was at 0 feet. saw plenty of good sized crabs in the shallow water and pools. my little boy managed to catch some shrimp..5 actually near the grass beds. he's only 4 years old but he's got quick hands..We took our limit and went home.  :D

AWW HEHEi would like to see a 4 yr old caught shrimp :D hehe.... what kinda shrimp are they? ghost shrimp?

no ghost shrimp..those were under the sand and i did not bring a shovel. theses are the coastal shrimp we get around here. about the size of your first finger with black stripes. plenty swimming around the grassy areas in knee deep water.


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