Fishing in British Columbia > Fishing-related Issues & News

The Latest On Salmon Confidential

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chris gadsden:

This will keep the PAP boys busy for a few hours of research and typing. ;D  ;D

Thanks Chris for posting that.....  interesting responses.

Anonymous blogger: claims wild salmon populations in BC are on a natural boom and bust cycle and because I don’t have a Dr. in front of my name no one should hear me out.

My response: When the CFIA and DFO confiscated the first-ever publicly reported ISA virus positive samples found in BC, they gave them to Mrs. Nelle Gagne for confirmation testing. Mrs. Gagne does not have a Dr. in front of her name and yet she testified at the Cohen Commission to counter to the findings of Dr. Miller, Dr. Kibenge and Dr. Nylund. Her resume submitted to the inquiry states: 1997- PhD. Molecular and cellular biology. Laval University, Québec. Paused after 5 years. Canada is resting their entire opinion on whether ISA virus is in BC or not or not on a scientist who does not have a “Dr.” in front of her name.

That Morton has no Dr. Infront of her name has been the gist of the dirty fish pro groups arguement. WTF are they going to do now? Giving up is still better than trying to defend bad farming practices.

Just giving them an honourable out.

Another big yawn here ;D  Perhaps Ms. Morton could explain why Chilliwack Lake sockeye have increased exponentially (less than 5k in the 70's to an est 140K last year) during the time of increasing salmon farming in BC?   Mayhaps someone, anyone? attending her Gala Event could ask ...

Because they're American fish. They migrate out through Puget Sound.


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