Fishing in British Columbia > General Discussion

Ever Fished Chesterman's Beach-West Van?


Sam Salmon:
Well I see that the last secret spot in the Lower Mainland is now public knowledge and now everyone  on the net is talking about Chesterman's Beach in West Van
I've fished there off and on over the years caught some fish and I like the place because it's easy access and easy wading.
It's just West of Fisheries in West Van-you may know it from trolling for Coho/Springs it's that long stretch of gravel east of Lighthouse Park that comes to a point with a small creek emptying @ the point (+ or -)
Low tide AM has always worked well for me-a friend of mine lives over on Rose Cr so I can crash there and hit the beach early-or I did until 2 years or so ago haven't fished there lately as I said.
What works best all along the West Van shoreline-believe when I say that Chesterman's and Ambleside aren't the only places to fish-is a small lead herring retrieved rapidly but not too fast for a Coho to catch.
Careful parking in that 'hood and don't make too much noise early AM or the RCMP will be on you like white on rice.Quite a few access spots all along the shore.

Rosco P. COHOtrane:
Fly fished there last year at low tide. Didn't catch anything. Took SC there and he caught a flatfish.


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