Fishing in British Columbia > The Fish Kitchen

Best way to defrost fish

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--- Quote from: Rieber on October 08, 2004, 10:32:13 PM ---Don't defrost under water - you'll wash away flavour and you'll even see the flesh fade out. It will look like it has freezer burn. A good way is to use a heavy aluminum pan which is placed on your wooden/laminate counter-top. Someone, probably K-Tel or Ronco, used to sell something like it on TV years ago. Place the pan on your counter and place the frozen fish onto the clean pan. The fish must be out of the package. And watch it melt. Your frozen fish, chicken or steak will draw the heat from the countertop through the pan. Try the quick experiment to make you believe. Take an aluminum frying pan out and put it on the counter. Put a dinner plate on the counter beside it. Place an ice-cube in each and see which starts to melt first and how quick.

--- End quote ---

dude how ya gonna wash away flavour if its packaged???

Fish Assassin:
Defrost in fridge.

I've tried leaving them in the fridge for a while hoping they would defrost, but they never seem to be defrosted enough, so I usually place them under a running facet with cold water on the zip lock bag. Defrosts them quickly....

Put 'em in the fridge the night before for dinner tomorrow.

Defrostin in the fridge is what I normally do.


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