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Author Topic: Harper plans for elimination of habitat protection: amendment to fisheries act  (Read 35164 times)


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The PMO's lie spinners are posting their so-called examples of a so-called broken system. Unfortunately the DFO boots are unable to voice or post their reasons behind their decisions. Perhaps rightly so, kinda maybe?

In the past I've had decisions go with me and some agin, but more often than not those agin projects went back to the drawing board and another more expensive and acceptable solution was found. The idea is to get what you can for the least amount! more often than not it only costs a few percent from the proffit side, besides it's a cost to doing business and is more often than not a right off.

If the previous incarnation of the "Act" was not working, how the hell did those Diamond Mines get built? They moved /drained square miles of lakes and water courses. How do roads get built across the skeg or tundra?
Yes we had a system that has flaws but I still say it was a fair and equatable system that left enough space for thinking out of the box when it comes to the engineering and just plain common sense.

 This I think is part of what Canada is about, being " Fair and Equitable" is what attracted foreign investment, this is what in most cases gave us a good name as a Nation in General, none of this is gained by pandering to the greedy.

Anyone heard the story of a Province that will not have to pay back the Feds for a failed HST debacle........Oh providing that province allows the Pm's pet project to go ahead?

If anyone believes that Harper was responsible for giving Canada the good name it had with the monetary folks in Europe, I have a potential mine to sell you. The saying is "any port in a storm" Canada was attracting foreign money soly due to the global economy, Harper was just riding a wave that was created more than a decade ago.
finding your limits is fun, it can also be VERY painful.

If you care about Canada's future, get involved by holding your MLA's & MP's accountable!! don't just be sheep!!


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Politics is about picking the best out of a basket of politicians. While you may complain about Harper, if the NDP or the Liberals had of gotten in you would have a much worse situation. In a time that the world is an economic disaster, the need for a Canadian government that is financially responsible is essential. Fortunately in Harper we have the best leader for the current economy.

It's always easy to look on the other side of the fence and think that the grass is greener..... 

Sorta like trying to pick which turd tastes the best. Harper is NOT a good leader, but just another hack, rewarding his friends and donors. No worries! Stevie's got the country's credit card! Stick to selling HST, AF. Look at the list of Harper's list of appointments and then sing some praise for ANOTHER THIEF AT THE HELM!( He only cheats when he can't win)


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Sorta like trying to pick which turd tastes the best. Harper is NOT a good leader, but just another hack, rewarding his friends and donors. No worries! Stevie's got the country's credit card! Stick to selling HST, AF. Look at the list of Harper's list of appointments and then sing some praise for ANOTHER THIEF AT THE HELM!( He only cheats when he can't win)

I think you may be trying to hurt my feelings!   ;D

Good to see you putting up a post again Novabonker.....  In a strange sort of way I enjoy reading your left wing nonsense!
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I was getting worried AF - I was strongly agreeing with some of your posts. Left me speechless.... :-X


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I know I'm on the right track when you disagree with everything I post......  now you have me wondering...  ;D
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Scientists are calling on the Harper government to scrap plans to weaken the federal Fisheries Act, saying it will "severely impair" Canada's ability to protect biodiversity and species at risk.

They also want Fisheries Minister Keith Ashfield to come clean about what scientists inside his own department think of the proposed changes.

"In the interests of transparency and accountability, and in the interests of Canadian society, we respectfully request that the science advice received in this regard be made publicly available without delay," Jeffrey Hutchings, president of the Canadian Society For Ecology and Evolution, says in a letter sent to Ashfield on Monday.

External Science has spoken, and directly requested that Harper lift the gag order on Internal Science to do the same.

Anyone care to take a bet??  ::)



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  • I does Christy

I bet it gets real slimy, and fishy.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Scientists are calling on the Harper government to scrap plans to weaken the federal Fisheries Act, saying it will "severely impair" Canada's ability to protect biodiversity and species at risk.

They also want Fisheries Minister Keith Ashfield to come clean about what scientists inside his own department think of the proposed changes.

"In the interests of transparency and accountability, and in the interests of Canadian society, we respectfully request that the science advice received in this regard be made publicly available without delay," Jeffrey Hutchings, president of the Canadian Society For Ecology and Evolution, says in a letter sent to Ashfield on Monday.

External Science has spoken, and directly requested that Harper lift the gag order on Internal Science to do the same.

Anyone care to take a bet??  ::)


It will be water off a duck's back! He could care less what others think, all he's focused on, is a seat with the Vanderbilt's or even The Bilderberg Club when he is either gets booted by the party or the electorate, and all that will do is create a vacuum that will suck in everything including an inordinate amount of Poo, and that will do us no good either.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2012, 03:19:30 PM by Sandy »
finding your limits is fun, it can also be VERY painful.

If you care about Canada's future, get involved by holding your MLA's & MP's accountable!! don't just be sheep!!


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Second former Tory fisheries minister rips reported changes to Fisheries Act

OTTAWA — A second former cabinet minister from the Mulroney era has levelled a broadside at the Harper government, saying reported plans to gut the Fisheries Act are "foolish."

John Fraser was responding to speculation that the federal government is planning to remove any reference to habitat protection in the legislation, a move critics say is partly intended to help Calgary-based Enbridge Inc. get approval to build an oilsands pipeline to the West Coast.

"To take habitat out of the Fisheries Act is a very serious error because you can't save fish if you don't save habitat," Fraser said in an interview Tuesday.

"People who want to eliminate the appropriate safeguards that should be made in the public interest, these people aren't conservatives at all.

"They're ideological right-wingers with very, very limited understanding, intelligence or wisdom."

Strait of Georgia Alliance petition:


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Second former Tory fisheries minister rips reported changes to Fisheries Act

"They're ideological right-wingers with very, very limited understanding, intelligence or wisdom."

That about sums up Harper.
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Farmers in the Fraser Valley are not allowed to clean out ditches that they created on their properties because under the Fisheries Act the ditches have become habitat for fish. This inhibits their ability to manage drainage of their land causing it to lose value.

Often times individuals and organizations skew the issues in order to further their own agenda's. While we shouldn't just let government make changes without providing feedback, most legislation needs to be revisited and modified as circumstances change..

It would be helpful if we could learn about the other side of this proposed change and not just the anti-government agenda.
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don't confuse enviromental concerns with Anti ( whatever) Government. Governments policies are what will or will not keep them in power. personally I have as much distaste for any ultra ????? no matter what their political slant. In this case Harper is trying to circumvent an act. that has worked reasonably well. Has it flaws ? Yep, does it need fine tuning ? probably.

What serves us the the people of BC poorly, is a proposed wholesale changes in this act, as it it designed to allow an already unpopular project to go ahead, as the Act as it now is would impose well meant and needed restrictions on the project in General.
I think most Canadians are reasonable people, fair and honest, those are who we are now seeing reject Harper's ultra right policies and his outright attack on environmentalist, big E or small e.

In short Harper brought this down on himself and the conservative Party.It is also pretty obvious that Harper's office is struggling to maintain control over some of his more moderate backbenchers, a sure sign that he is stepping on thin ice when it comes to what Canadians think is right or wrong.

Do I want a radical left ? No !
finding your limits is fun, it can also be VERY painful.

If you care about Canada's future, get involved by holding your MLA's & MP's accountable!! don't just be sheep!!


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It would be helpful if we could learn about the other side of this proposed change and not just the anti-government agenda.

The focus certainly is NOT a handful of farmers - that is simply and directly related to controlling the application of the Law. Some in the position of enforcing that are a tad too over zealous obviously, but this is simply a smoke and mirrors tactic to draw attention away from the real thrust of the matter.

The "other side"? Enbridge proponents, mining interests, tanker operators and more couldn't be happier. Harper continues his dance with Industry, and damn anything "environmental" getting in the way of his (their) vision...

More than 600 Canadian scientists, including some of the county’s leading experts in environmental protection and animal research, are asking Stephen Harper to abandon plans to remove habitat protections from the federal Fisheries Act.

“It is the explicit role of government to find the balance between protecting this habitat and encouraging sustainable economic growth – not to pit them against one another.”


chris gadsden

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Received this today and post for those that may wish to phone their concerns.

 Tell Randy Kamp hands off the Fisheries Act

Dear friend,

We have one week to do something about the Harper government's alleged plan
to remove habitat protection from the federal Fisheries Act. Thanks to those
of you who have already taken action.

Please help us stop this gutting of the most important protection for marine
habitat. Call MP Randy Kamp, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of
Fisheries and Oceans, at his B.C. constituency office (604-466-2761) or his
office in Ottawa (613-947-4613). Tell Mr. Kamp that without viable habitat
for fish, the health of coastal and ocean ecosystems will suffer, and so
will the coastal economies that depend on them. Tell him his government must
not proceed with this rumoured revision to the Fisheries Act.

Then call your MP whether they are in government or opposition.


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Farmers in the Fraser Valley are not allowed to clean out ditches that they created on their properties because under the Fisheries Act the ditches have become habitat for fish. This inhibits their ability to manage drainage of their land causing it to lose value.

Are those the same ditches that replaced the natural drainage creeks that the farmers completely obliterated when they filled them in on their farms?  I do hope you are not suggesting that the farmers plight regarding the protection of the Salish Sucker and Nooksack Dace warrants the removal of habitat protection from the Fisheries Act.  While something needs to be done to facilitate the need of farmers to maintain the drainage on their farms (balanced with the protection of these endangered species of course), this change to the Fisheries Act is most certainly NOT the answer.
Not all those who wander are lost