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Author Topic: Trudeau Government Defines the Firearms They Will Ban Next  (Read 3911 times)


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Trudeau Government Defines the Firearms They Will Ban Next
« on: October 14, 2020, 10:36:40 AM »

The Trudeau government’s next gun ban will target the best-selling semi-automatic rifles in Canada.

So says Member of Parliament Joël Lightbound, Parliamentary Secretary for Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness.

In his response to ePetition e-2341, Joël Lightbound reiterated the Liberal government’s three criteria for banning and confiscating firearms from federally-licensed, RCMP-vetted firearm owners:

    have semi-automatic action with sustain rapid-fire capability (tactical/military design with large magazine capacity)
    modern design;
    present in large volumes in the Canadian market.

What are the 10 (or 20 or 50) best-selling semi-automatic rifles in Canada? You know? The high-capacity 5-shot ones. (before you write a letter, that was sarcasm.)

They’ll be listed on the next gun ban by Order in Council.

We know Mr. Lightbound is a new M.P. and a relatively young man (32) but he is an educated person with a law degree from McGill University, the great bastion of Quebec liberalism.

An intelligent man like Lightbound (or even a total fool) must see the gaping hole in the master plan:

What about illegal guns in the hands of gangs and violent criminals?

The Liberal government has no plan to confiscate any of those guns from the criminals who own them and seem perfectly content to practice catch-and-release law enforcement, yet Joël Lightbound has the audacity to claim:

“ Canadians deserve to live in a society where they can feel safe and secure from gun violence .”

We agree. Canadians absolutely deserve to feel safe in their homes and in their communities.

Canadians are rightfully afraid of dangerous criminals like those who violate firearm prohibition orders. [ii]

The best way to keep Canadians safe is to disarm those members of society most likely to commit violent acts, but that's does not appear to be the Liberal government's plan.

The government ignores violent offenders and its plan does not include taking illegal guns away from dangerous criminals.

Instead the Liberal government will ban and confiscate ( from licensed, RCMP-vetted firearm owners only ), any firearm with:

    a “semi-automatic action”
    that “is of modern design” and
    “is present in large volumes in the Canadian market.”

Is it any wonder Canada’s licensed gun owners get so frustrated?


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Re: Trudeau Government Defines the Firearms They Will Ban Next
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2020, 02:53:37 PM »

Gangsters using CERB to buy guns, protect turf

Gang members are cashing taxpayer-funded CERB cheques to buy illegal handguns to protect their turf, property and drugs in the ongoing wars waged on our city streets, according to sources.

Dozens of gang members have been exploiting the $500 weekly government cheques to obtain illegal handguns smuggled into the country from the U.S.

And absolutely NOTHING in any of the liberals repugnant firearm legislation is designed to deal with criminal / gang activity whatsoever. Nope, target the triple vetted legal owners instead.




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Re: Trudeau Government Defines the Firearms They Will Ban Next
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2020, 04:09:29 PM »

If you thought it was impossible for the Trudeau government’s May 1 ban to get any worse, think again.

But with the “evergreen” ban promised this week by Public Safety Minister Bill Blair, it’s possible to go to bed a fully law-abiding citizen and wake up in possession of illegal firearms.

And you will be given no advance warning. Nor will there be any debate or vote in Parliament.

Under Blair’s scheme, outlined at a virtual meeting of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security, the May 1 list of newly banned guns (9,500 models or variants, 400,000 individual guns) will be expanded to outlaw ever more firearms – constantly, quietly, without any public discussion.


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Re: Trudeau Government Defines the Firearms They Will Ban Next
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2020, 04:58:50 PM »

Guns do not pull their own triggers. Guns are inert unless some person picks one up, loads it, tucks it into his pants and finally fires into a crowd of people with wanton disregard for human life. This is not gun violence. It is gang violence. It is both desperate and cowardly to attribute the violence to guns rather than gangs.


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Re: Trudeau Government Defines the Firearms They Will Ban Next
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2020, 01:39:26 PM »

Trudeau promises to get tough on hunters after boy, 12, killed in gang shooting

But the two men accused of the deadly shooting — Jahwayne Smart, 25, and Rashawn Chambers, 24 — are both convicted criminals prohibited from owning firearms and the federal government banned all the dangerous guns last spring in their attempt to show they were tough on gun crime.

I’m not trying to be flippant, I’m reacting to the fact that another innocent bystander was gunned down – this time a child walking home from a grocery store with his mom – while the Trudeau government insists they are dealing with gun crime. Of course their idea of dealing with gun crimes is to seize guns, not deal with criminals, and the only guns they know how to seize are the ones owned by legal gun owners.

Trudeau’s plan was never about dealing with gangsters who use guns to shoot up the streets, it was always about making the public feel they had done something about gun crime.

Taking guns away from licensed owners won’t stop gangsters though. Taking guns away from gangsters might, but that is difficult and so the government doesn’t act on that.

Despite promising more than $250 million to deal with gun crime in the last election, that money has not been spent. The gun ban was announced though, effectively making many of the more than two million legal and licensed gun owners into criminals with the stroke of a pen without doing a thing to stop gun crime.

Last Saturday’s shooting not only saw an innocent boy killed, but as my colleague Joe Warmington has reported, the gang members targeting their rivals were using guns with over-capacity magazines, which are illegal in Canada. And video of the shooting shows clear signs the gunmen were using automatic weapons, something banned since the 1970s in Canada.

Yet somehow Trudeau is trying to tell the public he is dealing with the issue of gun crime.

He is doing nothing of the sort. What he is doing is trying to distract a public worried about the very real issue of shootings in our streets by telling licensed gun owners they are the problem.

If Trudeau and his Liberal government really care about stopping gun violence, they should focus on the criminals and not legal gun owners going to the range or hunting on the weekends.


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Re: Trudeau Government Defines the Firearms They Will Ban Next
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2020, 02:23:08 PM »

Trudeau blames Ford for Toronto's gun violence

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s response to Toronto’s out-of-control gun violence, which last week claimed the life of an innocent 12-year-old boy, was to blame Ontario Premier Doug Ford for not allowing Toronto council to ban handguns.

The Ford government, which would have to grant the power to Toronto council to ban handguns under Trudeau’s plan, is opposed, saying it will target legal gun owners, not criminals.

Ironically, Bill Blair, Trudeau’s public safety minister, back when he was Toronto police chief, implemented and championed an initiative against gun violence that worked.

Following a bloody year of shootings in Toronto in 2005, which became known as the “Year of the Gun,” Blair ramped up street checks (aka carding) and created a squad to combat gang violence, known as the Toronto Anti-Violence Intervention Strategy (TAVIS).

From 2005 to 2014, shootings in Toronto dropped by 32% from 262 annually to 177. The number of people wounded and killed in shootings dropped by 55%, from 231 to 103.

After street checks were abandoned and TAVIS disbanded because of allegations they disproportionately targeted Blacks and thus were racist, shootings increased by 178% between 2014 and 2019, from 177 annually to 492. The number of people wounded and killed increased by 176%, from 103 to 284.

In 2014, Toronto’s gun violence was at its lowest level since police began compiling comparable data in 2004. Today it’s at its highest level.


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Re: Trudeau Government Defines the Firearms They Will Ban Next
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2020, 04:51:24 PM »

Once again, nobody bids on federal firearms buyback program

Can you hear it—that womp-womp, sad horn sound? Once again, the federal firearms buyback program apparently failed to attract any bidders; no private company wants to design and manage the program, it seems. The government’s tender website still doesn’t list any interested suppliers, after the feds listed the opportunity a second time.

To accomplish that, the feds issued a tender through the website, looking for a private partner to design, and possibly operate, the buyback program. The original tender appeared in early August, with no takers. A second tender went out in mid-October, with the same goal. Now, that one’s expired too, with no interested supplier listed. Maybe there’s something going on behind the scenes that we don’t know about, maybe not. On the surface, though, it seems the feds are back to the drawing board.


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Re: Trudeau Government Defines the Firearms They Will Ban Next
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2020, 05:12:00 PM »

Court challenge of Liberal firearm ban schedules first hearing

A senior Federal Court judge presiding over an unprecedented challenge of federal cabinet powers has scheduled a one-day hearing in January to begin hearing legal arguments over the Trudeau government’s sweeping prohibition of assault-style rifles.

The court session will address only two matters, but will settle whether the ban should be suspended temporarily while a wider court action against the unilateral measure continues.

The prohibition on May 1 instantly made certain firearms held by thousands of gun owners illegal, but the government has so far been unable to establish a compensation buy-back program to acquire the weapons through an amnesty period. The firearms, meanwhile, cannot be used.

Parliament was not involved, and no legislation, even for cost estimates, has been introduced. There’s been no similar legal event in the past four decades of incremental government changes to firearm law in Canada.


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Re: Trudeau Government Defines the Firearms They Will Ban Next
« Reply #8 on: November 21, 2020, 02:00:58 PM »

The shootings that Trudeau sold to the Canadian public as the spurring point to the OIC gun prohibitions were all conducted with illegally obtained firearms. Trudeau was immediately aware of that fact. Most thought that was the case, but liberals simply won't let facts get in the way of any opportunity to virtue signal their way towards more votes from their gullible support base.

New documents detail the guns — all illegally obtained — used by Canada's worst mass murderer

OTTAWA – Gabriel Wortman, the Nova Scotia man who murdered 22 people in April, was heavily armed with two semi-automatic rifles, two pistols and special ammunition boxes designed to carry extra bullets when he began his rampage.

Newly obtained documents also reveal all of the weapons were illegally obtained, three of them smuggled across the U.S. border.

Hipwell, a former RCMP officer, said it is clear gun restrictions would not have stopped the shooting.

“He had no intention of following the law, so banning firearms, banning semi automatic rifles and handguns would not have stopped him,” he said. “There are strict storage and transportation regulations that go along with those firearms. So there’s a lot of boxes and regulations in place already that this individual did not check.”


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Re: Trudeau Government Defines the Firearms They Will Ban Next
« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2020, 03:27:12 PM »

The RCMP had been tipped off about Wortman and his illegal guns, his threats of violence against families and neighbours, and they did nothing. A legal gun owner facing the kinds of accusations leveled against Wortman would have seen their home raided and firearms seized, but nothing was ever done about Wortman.

Why remains a mystery, one we will hopefully find out more about during the public inquiry that is now underway.

Why Trudeau linked this massacre and his gun ban agenda is now crystal clear though — pure, partisan politics and nothing else. Shame on him.


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Re: Trudeau Government Defines the Firearms They Will Ban Next
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2020, 02:39:33 PM »

So... The Company that brought us the Phoenix Fiasco:

Has now been awarded a contract for "Compensation Model and Program Design Options for a Potential Buyback Program for Recently Prohibited Firearms":

What could possibly go wrong...  ::)



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Re: Trudeau Government Defines the Firearms They Will Ban Next
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2021, 03:06:52 PM »

The CCFR's Court Case Could See Trudeau's Firearms Ban get Derailed

This Monday, January 18th at 9 am EST, there will be a federal court hearing for an injunction (court file # T-577-20), filed by the Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights (CCFR).

The injunction is looking to stay the May 1st Order in Council (OIC) gun ban until the case against the ban is heard and Associate Chief Justice Gagné has delivered his ruling.

If the CCFR injunction is successful the government will have significantly more trouble pushing this ban through; and with the strong possibility of an election looming, the future of the ban would be sent up in the air.