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Author Topic: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities  (Read 200937 times)


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #240 on: April 03, 2020, 11:01:33 AM »

Considering Canada shipped just about all we had to China in Feb
According to new reports, Canada shipped 16 tonnes of medical supplies. Was that just about all we had? 

On March 28, China reciprocated with a return donation. Was it 16 tonnes? I don't know. But it was a sh!tload.  Does that kind of international goodwill and reciprocity make Trudeau a laughing stock. I hardly think so.



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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #241 on: April 03, 2020, 11:02:07 AM »

i know right? helping another country in a time of need. what was trudeau thinking. you do know china did the same when we needed them right?



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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #242 on: April 03, 2020, 11:02:27 AM »

lol beat me to it


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #243 on: April 03, 2020, 11:05:02 AM »

Oh such an un-Christian thing to do, how dare Trudeau! ;D

Typical toxic, self-righteous religious fanatics, Rod should be banning these people for spreading the hate.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #244 on: April 03, 2020, 11:05:41 AM »

 Until Paul the Apostle decreed that followers of Christ did not have to be circumcised, Christianity was just an obscure Jewish sect.

True Christianity was alive and growing like wildfire long before Paul said that. Christianity was NEVER just an obscure Jewish sect. Christianity was Christianity from the day of Pentecost, to the current times.

Did Christ say anything about the Bible RG? He was crucified decades before the Bile was written.The Xrystian right wing all but killed the Jesus project. That was a consortium of open minded Biblical scholars who tried to determine those things said in the Bible were actually said by Christ.

Oh man....this is the oldest lamest strawman argument from every atheist out there.
Yes...the actual bible wasn't put together until much later. No one argues that, but EVERTHING IN THE BIBLE was written, accepted as the divine inspired Word of God,and in full circulation by the end of the 1st century. Even secular scholars aren't going to argue that one.
Word of God = written as scripture = being compiled (canonized) into one book later called the bible. Its all the same....and you know typical of a lame atheist type argument.

Two things I believe they found was  "Love thy neighbor as thy self" & another was "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth". Two phrases you'd do well to live by.

Anyone can pick 2 verses and say them out loud. People who truly study the bible read the surrounding text of those verse and interpret them in proper context. Cherry picking verses and the resulting chaos from doing that is one of the reasons unbelievers are suspicious of what is taught in the bible.

"Love thy neighbor as thy self"

This is probably the single most abused, cherry picked verse out of the entire bible. Every unbeliever I know uses it against Christians to attempt a character assassination on them. lame and so taken out of context....and most importantly incomplete.  This verse is actually an answer Jesus gave to someone when asked Him "What is the most important commandment?" Here is the ENTIRE answer that Jesus actually gave.

Matthew 22:36-40
36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And He said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the great and [a]foremost commandment. 39 The second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”

When you actually quote the entire conversation....the verse looks a lot different. Jesus is teaching here and many other places in scripture that it is impossible to love your neighbor without loving HIM...and loving HIM FIRST. Then you will be able to properly love your neighbor. To properly love your neighbor you would desire first and foremost that your neighbor has a relationship with God that saves him or her from the fires of hell. Outside of that.....your neighbor is nothing more to you that a good buddy. True neighborly love involves sharing the Lord with your neighbor and desiring to see them saved.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #245 on: April 03, 2020, 11:08:56 AM »

According to new reports, Canada shipped 16 tonnes of medical supplies. Was that just about all we had? 

depends where the info comes from....but there is some very good sources that say it was a very large % of what we had.

On March 28, China reciprocated with a return donation. Was it 16 tonnes? I don't know. But it was a sh!tload.  Does that kind of international goodwill and reciprocity make Trudeau a laughing stock. I hardly think so.

We needed it before then. China hesitated. I'm actually surprised they did in the end. There was no guarantee they would.
And again....I challenge you to read what other countries say about Trudeau. It just might surprise you. He truly is the laughing stock on the worldwide stage.....but CBC CTV and Global will NEVER EVER show it on their channels.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #246 on: April 03, 2020, 11:11:43 AM »

When you actually quote the entire conversation....the verse looks a lot different. Jesus is teaching here and many other places in scripture that it is impossible to love your neighbor without loving HIM...and loving HIM FIRST. Then you will be able to properly love your neighbor. To properly love your neighbor you would desire first and foremost that your neighbor has a relationship with God that saves him or her from the fires of hell. Outside of that.....your neighbor is nothing more to you that a good buddy. True neighborly love involves sharing the Lord with your neighbor and desiring to see them saved.

I guess that's why Robert doesn't love us LOL!!

And again....I challenge you to read what other countries say about Trudeau. It just might surprise you. He truly is the laughing stock on the worldwide stage.....but CBC CTV and Global will NEVER EVER show it on their channels.

How about YOU find some articles to show us what you're talking about?


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #247 on: April 03, 2020, 11:13:49 AM »

Unfortunately, there isn't a shortage of weak and vulnerable individuals on this planet who need that reassurance and a sense of belonging to get through life, and organized religions know exactly how to take advantage of these people.
Rod your comment has lots of truth.
Lots of priests /pastors with sneaky /selfish motives & many weak believers fall prey to them.
And I am convinced that Jesus is the way truth & life. God became flesh...perfect lamb of God who was the sacrifice ..but then came back to life the 3rd day !
So where does that leave other religions? All bridges to God. No.
Now we are talking  billions involved in false religions /cults.
Then we have Scientology Mormons JWs so forth...guys like Jim Jones...San Francisco church...then he moved the church Central America I think where the mass suicides took place.
Then there was another guy in Waco Texas ..his followers in this big complex & there was a big shoot out.
Police/army ...some buildings caught many dead.
So yes abuse ...plenty.
Of course we hear a lot about residential schools...then also priests abusing now there's priests in S America stories of priests raping nuns...oh lest we forget Jim Bakker / Jommy Swaggart sexual slip ups those high up positions and still taking that risk.
Benny Hinn affair with Rev. Paula White.
All of this is just the tip of the iceberg.
And as Inpoint my finger at them there was a time in my walk with God ..I lived like the prodical son...
Galations ch 5 flesh vs the Spirit. In other words temptation.
To be tempted is not sin but to follow thru it becomes sin.
In my disobedient days 1 John 1:9 was my favourite verse...if you confess your sin He is faithful & just to forgive you your sin & cleanse you from all unrighteousness.
Being single ...booze ...etc...just got into a rut..spiritually.
But I am very ashamed to this day & disappointed in myself but cannot change the past but can make proper decisions today & tomorrow...
Abuse in the church "yes" plenty... some tv preachers in mega churches bringing in millions & millions & pocketing too high a % of it.
When I lived in the prairies went to this one church close to where I lived & the service was 60% of the time pressure to give $$$.
Even one preacher says give us $50 & we will give you this paper cut out ( shape of a foot ) and you put it in your shoes. As you wear your shoes watch God work in your life !!!
What ??? That is crazy.
So abuse plenty.
But among all this craziness there any light shining thru the dark clouds.
Is there a real spiritual war going on for our souls.
Plenty & it's big time.
Any good examples ...well we mentioned how natives had bad experience with past religion but tv programs like Spirit Alive & Tribal Trails are totally run by natives who have had an encounter with God !
Sid Roth & even myself have experience power in the occult before we met God.
I did not study anything in the occult but suddenly astral body projection started happening in my life.
I told "no one " as thought they would think I'm going"Nuts" .
Thought maybe I was dying..literally my mind would exit my body sometimes.
It was so weird. But the first time I looked for answers found a paperback book at a pharmacy Zag the shopping centre Austin & N Road Coquitlam close to Louheed Mall.
It was an occult book with each chapter having a dif. form of the occult...astrology tarot cards ouija board astral body travel or projection...bought the book .
Exactly what was happening to me ...astral body travel. So was happy I could have a label to my out of body experiences.
Literally I could exit my body & fly with my mind to locations miles away !!!
It was so freaky.
But that summer on high school break bused to a Williams Lake & got a summer job at Merrill & Wagner sawmill. It was up there when I prayed to Jesus & simply asked Him if He was real.
Had a big time encounter.
I prayed and asked God like what about this astral body travel this from You...if not take it away.
Never astral traveled ever again !!!
So as a new believer I wondered if the Bible warned on the occult.
Plenty. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 just one of my favourites.
Book of Acts in New Test. the apostles come across 3-4 x people who are into the occult.
Even one lady with psychic powers had a demon cast out ! Think it's Acts ch 16.
But yes Sid Roth has that program It's Supernatural ..but his youtube vids have guests who were into the occult before they became Christians.
Sid Roth as mentioned did astral travel when he was not a Christian so he knows the reality of the occult.
The new age movement is full of the occult. Crystals tarot cards mediums psychics ...
Doreen Virtue was the leading new age lecturer & author....
She had a Christian encounter in recent yrs...and she now states the new age is demonic.
Her ex followers think she lost her mind.  ;D
After I got saved ..went to a church in New Westminster. Really nice church. Interesting sermons & good praise & worship & no pressure on giving $$$ or trying to control you or whatever...
Went there for 7 yrs before I moved to the prairies for 2 yrs.
But Rev Pritchard did not mention much about the demonic all those years...but one service he really caught my attention.
He told a story when he was a young pastor. His young children cried & made a fuss every Sat evening !!
So much so ..Les was tired the next am when he had to preach.
Again his kids on cue cried on Sat. evening....
This went on for a few weeks ....
Then one Sat. evening his kids again crying ...he entered their bedroom to calm them ...and he said he literally saw 2 demons !!!
He rebuked them in Jesus Name & pufff they vanished in thin air !
True story. I believe him 100% because this guy was so nice & sincere.
In the prairies I went sometimes to a Salvation Army church.
One service looked very serious ! The Capt. ( they do not call them pastors ) said they have a female teen story their house who is totally possessed !
He said other high rank Salvation Army personal are flying in from Vancouver and Toronto.
Long story short she was totally delivered !
Even Nick Vujicic the limbless evangelist told of 2 stories he had with demonic encounters.
Do you know who criticized him when he told of his encounter with the demonic he felt in a hotel room.
Other Christians. Ha !
Oh you should not say anything about the demonic....
What !!! To sweep it under the rug is not good.
Of course we focus on God but what is wrong to warn on the reality of the dark side. It 's in the New Test. over & over...
Ephesians 6:10 ...on just one of many places.
With most pastors not knowing much on this area is why they do not give a warning, so is it any wonder kids teens are dabbling with ouija boards ....or having sleep paralysis encounters...or going into the new age....
Natives on that tv channel have a program  "The Other Side" ...haunted houses & like...
These are not ghosts ...the para normal are demonic spirits. So sad as some natives are suicidal / drugs/ prostitution / family abuse / so the last thing they need is a program like this.
Demons lie & are deceivers ...
Kids doing charliecharliechallenge ...dangerous.
I sparked an article about ex occultists I met who became Christians ..story in the Vancouver Province came out in a Sat. am paper.
Hours before at 3:30 am an invisible evil presence came into my bedroom. Evil x 1000 !!!
I got so afraid (ha) I spoke out " Jesus name Go "
Literally it took off to the west direction thru the window area!!!
Just sensed it.
Do a youtube search : ex new age now a Christian
Or: ex witch now a Christian .
One favourite : Tara Lawson ouija evil
Another : Pop evil rock star cast out demon.
I give 1000s of people Chick tracts like Gunslinger for example and have met so many who told me about having sleep paralysis ...& they are so afraid.
Another guy who told me his sister used an ouija board ...and weird thing started happening..
She went to 3 churches to seek help ...Ladner Delta so on...he said the pastor told his sister to go to a gov. social wkr or psychiatric clinic !!! What !!!
I also have met so many who have told me their house has strange things going on...
But yes there are super good real churches ...ministries like the Dream Centre (s) in various cities.
They help the down & out in LA etc...
But that is why when I give out tracts ...I do not my include my name/ do not ask for their name: do not mention any church because I know they have heard of bad examples of preachers / priests so I motivation is 100% just share the gospel message ( plus I pen in some good youtube testimonies )
So when they take the tract ...they are not pressured to go to a church or give $$$ or whatever.
So why do I share but not arm twist...well simply have had very real encounter with God & the powers of evil.
But Rodney you are so much bad examples in religion ...

But watching tv news yesterday and this Covid 19 is getting scary but the minute.
1000 people died in USA yesterday.
This is getting very serious.
Life as we know it has shut down.
Where will it end?
There's 9 new posts as I'm posting.

« Last Edit: April 03, 2020, 02:35:43 PM by A-BOATER »


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #249 on: April 03, 2020, 11:21:29 AM »

Rod your comment has lots of truth.
Lots of priests /pastors with sneaky /selfish motives & many weak believers fall prey to them.
And I am convinced that Jesus is the way truth & life.

Not sure why you wrote all that, I stopped here but ok.

I expect another 1,000 word of nothingness in response please.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #250 on: April 03, 2020, 11:26:28 AM »

I guess that's why Robert doesn't love us LOL!!

How about YOU find some articles to show us what you're talking about?

Your hate for Trudeau is blinding the reality of why and how are gov't is handling this pandemic.

It's not perfect but other countries are taking note and applying the same rules to their people. Thank god huh Robert G?

We have spoken to relatives in Italy (way worse than being reported) almost every 2nd day as well as Germany and Sweden. There coverage of Canada and the handling of the crisis is what they want and have actually started to do in those countries with the exception of Sweden so far.
There are bible bangers still getting together in large groups in Canada but much more so in the US. It's mind numbing that Trump isn't imposing one rule for the whole country at this time. And it's hard to believe that so many US States have the authority to have religious gatherings still. Many children and young people (high portion of carriers) will die. It has already started. God won't bring them back.

Everybody has to put all their beliefs aside for now and live as one if we want to get through this quicker. If people start to not self isolate more in the next 2 weeks many of us will know people that are either sick are dead.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2020, 07:06:18 PM by 4x4 »


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #251 on: April 03, 2020, 11:28:33 AM »

Unfortunately, there isn't a shortage of weak and vulnerable individuals on this planet who need that reassurance and a sense of belonging to get through life, and organized religions know exactly how to take advantage of these people.

First of all, I have many issues with the institution of the church. The true church is the people that come together to worship and love Jesus and who are there for one another.
Secondly...Christians who know their scripture well are in a good position where organized religion is unable to take advantage of them. Anyone who reads their bible knows that it teaches that true Christianity does NOT take advantage of people....and they will be able to recognize it when someone is trying to do that to them.

As for you, I can't imagine what it would be like to have no idea what happens the second you pass from this world. You may have ideas or beliefs or what your parents taught you....but the truth is you don't know. The only real security out there in this life is Jesus. I say to anyone that knocks on His will not be disappointed....not in this life or the next.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #253 on: April 03, 2020, 11:34:05 AM »

Your hate for Trudeau is blinding the reality of why and how are gov't is handling this pandemic.

I don't hate him, but treason and incompetence should only result in him being removed from office. In no way am I blind to what the Liberal government agenda is.

It's not perfect but other counties are taking note and applying the same rules to their people. Thank god huh Robert G?

You need to get off mainstream news and start thinking for yourself.

It's mind numbing that Trump isn't imposing one rule for the whole country at this time. And it's hard to believe that so many US States have the authority to have religious gatherings still.

Trump is NOT condoning those gatherings....but I think there is some State laws that may not allow him to intervene....although I don't know those laws well enough to say one way or the other.


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Re: Will COVID-19 Shut Down Fishing Opportunities
« Reply #254 on: April 03, 2020, 11:35:49 AM »

Eh? I thought you were gonna show us articles from OTHER countries

way to present opinions as facts again

Like I said....the sheep keep doing what they are doing no matter what you show them. I could find some international sources but the ones in our own country are much more damning anyway.
How is 9 sources spread throughout his time as PM not enough? You are in denial....period.